Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Interestingly, I believe Johnny Depp used “Ta” in one of his pirate movies, with a flip of his hand. “Ta” is short for “ta-ta”, which means goodbye, or “later”, and when shortened, can be dismissive, or snobby, as in, “I’m done with you lot”, or “I’m outta here”.


The very weird things I learn on a horse forum.


I learned more about proper grammar here than I did though many years of grade school. Doesn’t mean I still don’t mess up, but it sure had improved!


Actually, I think the original comment was to the unprofessional behavior of attorney(s) representing LK. Mr. Whatshisface does represent LK, albeit in the civil matter.

Mr.Schellhorn, otoh, represents the state of NJ. Not LK. So, the comment that her attorney was behaving unprofessionally was correct.


Yes. What I mean is that the rules are a lot stricter about what you can and can’t say/do when you are representing a party in an action.

Since he is representing someone, but not talking about the opposing party, counsel, judge, or jury in his own case he’s in a little clearer water but it still doesn’t do much to endear him to others.



It probably doesn’t rise to the level of somethung he’d get a reprimand on. For that to happen there’d need to be a complainant followed and Law Society follow up on it, and he’d say he was just making a play on the jury finding insane etc.

I doubt personal injury civil litigators want to endear themselves to anyone. They want to come across as lean mean fighting machines that will stop at nothing. The real test will be if the civil suit goes forward. He may be speaking tough but thinking retreat.


Except for the purposes of character and fitness, we were told that such behaviour reflects on your professionally period. You don’t do that whether you’re representing someone or commenting in your capacity as a lawyer. Period. I think he really showed his arse with that interview and I see why people are reporting him to his local bar association. It was a bad look not only for him but for the profession, which does matter.

I do agree it would have been even worse for either Schellhorn or Bilinkas to have said it. Luckily both of those men are more in touch with their code of ethics and remember their character and fitness interviews! :rofl:


It used to be in the standards that it was unacceptable to have an offensive personality :joy: I think that was struck down in the mid-90s but I distinctly remember that.


Oh did he get reported to his bar association? Interesting. Any idea if we will know if they take it up in any form?

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I read it somewhere that there was a movement to report him. I doubt any sanctions or warnings etc. would be publicly available.

Like the rest of that crew he has already lost in the court of public opinion, that’s for sure.


Um. If two of the three people at the scene were dead it would be pretty clear who was guilty. That doesn’t even make sense.
“It’s sufficient evidence if they were dead and couldn’t testify” is just…bizarre.

Edit: that was very narrow minded of me. Even if 2/3 were deceased it doesn’t necessarily prove person number 3 is guilty of murder.


Hmmmmm. Ta-ta (with optional ‘for now’) does mean goodbye in NW UK (and probably elsewhere, but not in SE England where i live). Ta on the other hand is a very casual thank you.

Less regional than ta-ta but more likely to be used by those who have ‘dinner’ at lunch time and ‘tea’ as their evening meal and often used with a form of endearment ‘ta chuck/ta love/etc’

I might say ’ can you pass me that bandage?’ – ta! But I’d never use it to someone serving me in a shop or thanking the vet for their considered diagnosis, both would be seen as a bit dismissive/rude.


Such a short little word and so many meanings.
Ta. Thanks.
Ta ta. Bye.
Ta-tas. Breasts.
Tatas. Potatoes.


Considering the fact that she wasn’t even supposed to be in the house when he went there, as far as he knew. I’d say none.


Probably won’t know for another year or 2. The latest report is available on NJ courts and is for 2020.

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Love this…LOL

Talk about ‘sigh’.

CH is confused (or ‘confused’) between (i) a scenario in which all other potential shooters are eliminated (and then, still, you’d have to prove the living one shot both not that one shot the other and then living killed the first shooter - you know, the beloved ‘good guy with a gun’ scenario everyone bangs on about) and (ii) this scenario in which there is a stunning lack of evidence regarding which person among three living (one completely uninjured) people shot a gun.

I’m not sure how someone can compare two such completely different scenarios without even a hint that they understand the substantial differences but, here we are.


It was established at trial that other than a roof you couldn’t see the house from the barn and visa versa. Therefore it’s entirely possible MB didn’t know they were at the house because he couldn’t see the house. It is also possible (in all fairness) that someone like the CPS lady told MB she saw them there.

She was a witness for the Prosecution but despite that did not state, imply or testify that she mentioned LK being there to MB however, unless I missed it.

Assuming MB didn’t know they were there, an intent to kill by bringing the gun is absurd.


In the April issue of The Chronicle - Vol 85, No. 5:


I really thought the State did not prove its case and that Barisone should have been found not guilty rather than not guilty by reason of insanity on the charge of attempted murder of Kanarek. I agree with the insanity verdict regarding the weapons charge.

Besides the fact that his accusers were not believable, the whole business with the camera supposedly being disconnected was a huge factor with me. I found it not credible that Goodwin disconnected the camera right before the shooting. That makes no sense to me, especially since they had done their job the previous day. It makes me question, very strongly, whether Barisone shot the gun in self defense or whether he even shot the gun at all.