Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

As I’ve said before, I might have had a little more sympathy for him and his position if he had not laughed at the teenage working student when she was on the witness stand. That was pretty darn low.


The WS did an awesome job on the stand. CS probably realized that and wanted to discredit her. It was a total JERK move on his part. His summation was boring too. JERK!


IM once again spitting about people not being able to spread lies, yet LK admitted on the stand that she posts lies on purpose to get attention. Oh so weird.

I like this post because following the verdict the whole LK clan acts like the verdict is something other than it is.

Well, except the part where her testimony did not agree with RG’s or the Ear Witness testimony.

Oh look, yet another “I don’t delete” comment. (I believe the edits there were done by the mods, name calling.)


Or, nailing jello to a tree


I get where you’re coming from, and while I think people laugh for many reasons that don’t involve humor, I agree it wasn’t a good look.


Okay, not that important, but I used to wonder about the ‘harder for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle thing.’ It was, I thought, an odd statement. But my pastor at the time did a sermon on it.

The “Eye of the Needle” was indeed a narrow gateway into Jerusalem . Since camels were heavily loaded with goods and riders, they would need to be un-loaded in order to pass through. Therefore, the analogy is that a rich man would have to similarly unload his material possessions in order to enter heaven.

Not stated above, but my pastor said that the camels would have to kneel to pass through this gate. (My pastor would go back to the original Hebrew and Greek for a lot of sermons and context.)

But I digress…

Edited to say I’m not sure why my post is a “reply to trubandloki”—must have hit the wrong “Reply” button.


Maybe the camel’s knelt to get unloaded? Unless camels have changed very much, I don’t see one being convinced to crawl anywhere.


But Mr. B impeached her testimony. So maybe she lied under oath that she lies on social media which makes it the truth. :grin: Just joking. I personally believe she lies like the rest of us breathe.


Again, a digression about the needle/camel thingy. Looked it up and just liked the pictures here:

Jerusalem: The Eye of the Needle Gate (


This post made me laugh, because it has some facts that are accurate in it.
And then this pronoun, and if I am remembering my English classes from school (oh so long ago), a pronoun refers to the last named person the gender applies to. So the She I highlighted technically refers to LK, which makes that sentence very accurate.


love the more in depth background and meaning of the quote. I love learning about historical context in regard to religious texts.


So….I did a little internet search….and it seems Lief Aho at paradigm trains with Ali Brock. Talk about awkward. I’m betting that isn’t a small coincidence….but it means he absolutely knows what the situation is currently in his barn.

It brings a whole new meaning to the comments about the lack of chit chat around the cross ties…etc. Also, I wonder where all that information the prosecution started to get into it with Brock on cross came from?


I can imagine JK and IM both will be called as witnesses in the Civil trial(s). Based on all that discovery, there’s gonna be a lot of 'splanin to do!!


Especially considering that the work he actually did wasn’t up to code when the BI came. I still can’t get over the irony of RG pointing out the problems to the BI when he was the one who did the work. :roll_eyes:


Once again, you never know what random thing you might learn on this BB. Love it!


At least then you get to take out your frustrations by hitting the nail with the hammer. Lol.


Here’s the truth as I know it, only family members would maintain loyalty to the Kanareks and defend them at this point. Strangers on a horse forum? Absolutely not unless they are paid or have a very close connection to the Kanareks.

Goodness @trubandloki, great work on your part!


Why[quote=“EADoug, post:4419, topic:771580”]
I know I know… I guess I’m just very curious WHO ELSE would have access to both sides? Who else would know all the people involved?

A member of the legal circle in the county who has regularly dealt with prosecution and defense personnel in the past?

Edited to remove a sentence that was specific enough that the Mods might consider it as speculation on identity.


Although it does occur to me that maybe IM just hates MHG as there is much hatred toward her in the posts.


Of course they would. Just because their little princess couldn’t be bothered to put in a lot of hard work, stay clean & sober and show up for her rides is more than enough reason to loathe another woman who does so.

MGH didn’t count entirely on her talent, she put in the sweat equity too. Unlike Lauren who thinks it is all for sale and why won’t her parents hurry up and buy her a berth for which she is unqualified already?

Disregard the drug testing the human competitors undergo with no advance warning - in front of a witness. Although that part may not be unfamiliar.