I was tearing up just reading about it. I hope he can get evaluated and released with continued private therapy. It sounds like the Ann Klein facility may take so time to get into, I imagine the correctional facility needs the cell space available as well. Hopefully there are other options for his situation.
Now this one is assumption on my part (and clearly assumptions are allowed). But I would bet there are people who MB hates on this planet far more than MHG.
Oh, this is one of the posts to remember. Telling KM that they know nothing about the law (which KM’s knowledge has been proven over and over again) and when IM posted that they know everything, oh wait EVERYTHING.
OK, this one made me laugh as much as Seeker telling us to not post lies. IM stating that lies can not be posted and be allowed to be told over again with out response. But then LK admits on the stand that she lies on social medial for drama and attention. I guess it is OK when it is LK?
And note, here IM admits to not knowing EVERYTHING, where above IM said they did know everything.
Isn’t it funny that one of those amazing prosecution witnesses said on the stand that they only did just barely the amount of work necessary to work off the owed board. So strange that IM insists that they were owed money here.
Regarding RG’s ideas about working off the board bill on the horses, I wonder what he thought his hourly rate of compensation should be for whatever work he actually did.
I’m not going to quote all the screen shots, but how interesting that IM’s claims of knowing everything was mirrored in the defenses claims that “the father” was intricately involved in “everything” about the planning of whatever went down on the farm. I wonder if that was some kind of coded message a la LK style?
I know I know, speculation, I know I know the Moderators said it wasn’t… but I still keep coming back to The Stache and how he would, indeed be in a position to know a lot about both sides…
@EADoug, Stache is creepy and all, and it is fun to giggle about Stache being here. But nope on Stache.
Now, this is something he posted that is factual. That LK is not a good enough rider to go to the Olympics (Knights_Mom had already admitted they are not a good enough rider so I am not sure why IM felt the need to repeat that part).
You can go on to read IM lie about the recording device(s) only being in the locker.
I don’t remember the exact dates that IM started posting, but I wonder if that was before the Mustache got involved in the case. Or at least before he would have seen MB in his professional capacity.
It did seem to be quite possible, just based on the attitude on display in the courtroom.