Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

If LK and RG are not employed, Daddy is picking up quite an expensive tab monthly. Living expenses have to be as much as what the horses are costing, especially when you include a mortgage and rental apartment 10 minutes from your house, just so you can “nap” in between rides! :joy:



Eggbutt said that the recipient added her own contact information so that people could contact her for more information. That’s not true?

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How do you ask daddy for money for drugs?


Ask for rent twice?
Sell stuff you insisted he buys you?


Oh, NOW you care about true? Interesting. :thinking:

I saw it a long time ago. What mattered was who wrote it. :woman_shrugging:. Since clearly it’s been shared from other sources, perhaps that was added by secondary recipient? I have no idea. And I’m still not sure why it matters.

All I know is at the time, like at least a year ago, I wasn’t sure who it was sent to, and certainly not who got it and disseminated it to those who used it to be unkind. But it was clear those who would do so are sad, pathetic little people.


Now you are backpedaling!


Doesn’t Dear ol Dad know what your rent is?
How does or did she get a hotel room after leaving the hospital? If she doesn’t have a CC she can use? Maybe she does have a cc dad pays for. Seems something too easily misused though.


How do you know IM isn’t lying? Many, many things IM stated here have been proven false!


Well… It is a positive that CH admits to assuming this.

It makes some past posts far more clear now that we know that CH assumes things and posts them as fact.


I’ve seen nothing that IM has posted proven to be false.


:joy: Oh wait, better yet… :exploding_head: (for bombshell)


Good grief. In my original post I said that I was stating my recollection of posts from months ago.

Ta ta, ladies.

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Then you need to go back and reread all of IM’s posts.

Pro tip- wear glasses! It helps to see the truth!


You can have private “friend” groups here, too. LK said she had one.


Why good grief. I think it is helpful to realize that you assumed something and posted it as a fact. I know I was wondering how I missed the part about it being posted on Facebook and I spent some time looking for that information.
It is a sincere appreciation that you admitted you assumed that part.


This post is really special. My goodness, maybe it would be easier to find the posts he was actually correct in.

One of my favorites was his absolute assertion that BOTH prosecution and defense attorneys said MHG was the cause of everything that happened! edited to add this snippet from an IM post on 3/21/22:

I know you don’t wanna believe this but MB’s attorneys and best friends have told me point blank…“without MHG this never would have happened.” They understand even if you refuse to.

I wonder if Schellhorn regrets taking everything the Kanarek crew spewed as fact? The look on his face during the star prosecution witnesses testimony was priceless.


These don’t in any way cancel each other out.


The letter as described in previous posts would be heartbreaking to read. I can only imagine MB’s friends and family extreme sadness and sorrow to receive correspondence like that and feel helpless to do anything about it. It shows a great deal about his character to go through something like that and still want to help others and do kind gestures for them.

It is sad that our justice system is so screwed up and allows for cruel and inhumane treatment of inmates. I hope that he and others in similar situations can get the mental health care they are entitled to very soon. Perhaps MB, when he is released, can be an advocate for those who are incarcerated.

I am glad the gofundme account is growing and I hope it keeps going up!


“There are none so blind as those who will not see.”


The bank, duh! Didn’t you hear her on the stand?
