Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yes, I’ve said several times that I believe what IM posts. But regarding the letter, most of the information has come from you, as the your post from Dec 21 linked by Hut Ho shows.

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Read the post of yours linked by Hut Ho above.

Huh? How on earth would LK know any of this? Another wild assumption?

For sure Lara Osborne started the gofundme campaign, she signed her name after all. Other than that, what does she have to do with anything else, particularly on CoTH?

Again, you speculate on whiffs of smoke. As I recall, I have been raked over the coals for speculation in the past, yet it is perfectly okay for you and your buds. No mind. The truth about the Kanareks is now well known. Only the saddest of the sad are attempting to defend them.


In this case, she said the letter was transcribed by the daughter of MBs “new girlfriend”. Lara Osborne has described MB as her best friend and life partner. Do you doubt that Lara Osborne was the recipient of the letter? Who cares whether Lara Osborne or her daughter transcribed the letter so that it could be posted?

I know you are clearly trying to avoid answering me…

On this topic, which I mentioned in my recent post above, how do you balance the fact that IM’s posts agree with LK’s posts and LK said on the stand that she lies on social media?


I think the point being made, which you appear to be ignoring on purpose, is the fact that you specifically get very annoyed if anyone on her speculates about the ID of anyone, start telling people they are breaking the rules and you will report them. So, why is it OK for you to speculate about the ID of people here?


Falsis in uno, falsis in omnibus!


I assumed SM meant Facebook. Also, there may be other posts on the issue. No, I’m not looking them up.

How could she have posted it here and had access given to just 20 people?

IM is an insider. LK sometimes lies on SM, sometimes exaggerates and is overly dramatic, and sometimes tells the truth.

I believe what IM writes. You don’t have to, obviously.

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Who cares if LO is the source?


IM says they are an “insider”
LK admits lying, or exaggerating, etc. How do you know which a claim of her is?


Lara Osborne stated, publicly, herself, in her GoFundMe campaign that MB is her best friend and life partner. She said she is the current girlfriend.

The letter has been brought up by numerous posters. It seems logical to me that the original recipient of the letter was the new girlfriend, who recently identified herself.

How is that speculating on the identity of posters on the forum?

You’re right that it is my belief that speculating on identities of posters is against forum rules.

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IM says they are an insider.

Thank you for clarifying this.


I’m hearing Charlie Brown’s teacher again.


Am I making bad typing errors again? Darn it.


No, my comment was not intended for you. If I replied directly to your post by mistake, I apologize.


I am probably one of the most technologically challenged people in this discussion. Don’t ask me these things. You will get this - :woman_facepalming: .
I assume some of the other social media platforms allow people to make small friend groups. Who knows if this platform has that option too.

(edit - one of those typing errors.)


The letter has been mentioned numerous times on these threads, especially by you. Since you’ve seen it, you’ve known all along who the recipient was.

For those of us who have not seen it, it’s been a mystery as to who the recipient was. Until the GoFundMe campaign.

Well, you could PM it to a group of 20 people who had accounts, but to do that the sender would probably want to know the real life identities of the people they’re sending it to, given the confidential nature of the letter.

But the short answer is still, I just assumed SM was a reference to FB.

I’ve seen it.
I have no idea who the recipient was.
It doesn’t really matter.

As for confidential nature… Meh, why do you think so? Especially since you haven’t seen it?
To me it read very general and could have been intended for many people to see/read. :woman_shrugging: