Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

“A confident, dignified, elegant man.” Christine Cook-Gibbs, Washington Township Health Officer

And I hope the 48 hours show mentions him using his money to buy things for other prisoners.


Agree, now I remember reading it.
Anyone who uses that letter to put him down is a very, very sad individual.

Or this, exactly:


I don’t enjoy this use of literally; however, Merriam-Webster actually accepted that literally could be defined as virtually several years ago because of its use in common language.


My final post ever about “The Letter”…@CurrentlyHorseless and @hut-ho78 shame on you both for following the Kanarek crumbs and drinking their elixer of hate, turmoil and innuendo. It isn’t a good look for either of you whoever you are.


I wish people would realize that CurrentlyHorseless and hut-ho78 don’t have anything factual to contribute. Their aim is to be “au contraire”. (don’t know if that is spelled correctly).which is tiresome.


I guess I really want to know where there current toss out there fact is from. No one else seems to remember it.

Do they follow the Bob theory to social media? Where they are allowed to say untruths because they want to?


I’ll bet the prosecutor had the same reaction! Lol.


I agree.

Sometimes it is hard to just “let it go” when their comments are so obviously inaccurate.


Thank you.

My meaning was that you could literally see the beads of sweat running down his face (“sweating bullets”) as he struggled to answer Mr. B’s questions.


Here is a reason why they may have set up the trust:

The $12 million is for federal estate taxes. New Jersey’s estate tax starts at $2 million. (In my home state it starts at $1 Million, thus my use of a trust to protect as much of my estate as possible from taxation. And no, I’m not worth all that much, it’s just that if you own a home and have a 401(k) that you have contributed to for 40 years, you are worth more than the million.)

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  1. It was trubandloki, not you, who asked for the posts with the information I described.
  2. I certainly never said the letter was posted on LKs FB page, so I can’t imagine how your blocking her on SM is relevant.
  3. I have never seen the letter; I’ve just read what’s been said about it on these threads.
  4. What I remember IM saying about the letter is that Barisone said that he was housed with the “M and Ms”, but he was housed with that group because he was a VIP, not because he had mental problems. That suggests he did not consider himself insane, rather than suggesting he remembered everything.
  5. Of course IM and LK did not provide proof of their statements about the letter. Neither did you. Posting it would have been a further violation of his privacy.

You seem to know when posters are logged on, even if they haven’t posted. How do you do that?

I would not have known that IM was logged on when I posted that post. So, yes, coincidence.


:rofl: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Right. And, proving my point, you believe everything IM had to spew. How wrong they were about everything. Back on ignore you go.


So, we know daddy pays for the boarding of the horses, right? Who on earth pays for everything else? Utilities, vet, farrier, food, insurance, prescription meds, clothing, fuel, apartment? The list goes on and on.


Interesting stuff.

  1. I did ask. I have asked again. I was hoping for an answer. Please.
  2. I also assumed that you meant LK as the recipient in your previous post. Were you speaking of someone else? Probably once you find the post, it will help me to understand that too.
  3. Until now I thought the only things about the letter that were said is that LK (and clan) said that MB admitted to things in it and that it was begging for money. Oh, and that LK enjoyed the fact that MB found jail to be miserable.
  4. Do you remember where IM said that about the letter? I do not remember those posts either. (Not that I am sure what M and Ms stands for here, because it is clearly not the yummy candies.)
  5. LK has admitted to lying on social media. IM gives the same facts as LK (with a couple of exceptions, where LK says that IM is wrong and lying).

This is a good question and I think something lots of people wonder about.

Do you think this will come out at the civil trial?


Ah, so it was Eggbutt who posted one of the posts I was referring to: Eggbutt states that the recipient of the letter posted a transcribed version on SM that was private with access for about 20 people.

According to LK, who had seen the letter, it had been transcribed by the daughter of his new girlfriend. I only learned about the new girlfriend when the gofundme campaign was started, but it sounds like the recipient was Lara Osborne.

If you post something on the internet giving 20 people access, it’s hardly surprising that it going to get around.


Yes, but you specifically said Facebook in your post. Eggbutt’s post says social media. That could be a ton of things, not just Facebook. Heck, it could be here.
Where did you get Facebook from?


Still true.




Once again, as soon as I see those words as a source of information, I just roll my eyes and don’t bother to read any further. :roll_eyes:

Just to review, LK was the one who swore under oath on the witness stand that she lies a lot on social media.