Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Didn’t LK also claim not to edit things? Even though she was an extremely epic editor! And deleter as well. If that’s a word.

I believe the moderators even had to come up with a new method of locking threads when they were shut down to prevent LK’s extensive edits after the fact.


Yes. LK used to swear that she did not edit too. We all know that is a lie. Like so many other things she has said.


Most of the places that [edit] appears, it’s pretty clear it was the mods editing out stuff.

I do see where he apparently edited out the sentence about not ruling out LK training with MB in the future, although the post ties not have the pencil icon indicating it’s been edited by the poster.

Big deal. He said he didn’t edit posts then subsequently edited out part of one sentence.

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In my state there is no restriction on who can be present at a deposition; unless the judge has said a depodent cannot have an attorney present, you can.

Remember though that your attorney is only to protect your rights. They cannot ask questions or participate in the deposition/“help the case” on either side; pretty much all they could do is protect your right against self incrimination.

A depodent’s assertion of privilege may be considered evidence in a civil action and a nonparty depodent’s assertion can be imputed against a party - this is common when an employer is being sued and the employee is being deposed and asserts the 5th amendment.

I hope MB’s attorneys are willing to go to the expense of doing oral depositions on LK et al - as pretty much anything goes in a deposition and the results can be…enlightening.


I think the key here is this person thought they had access to both sides.

They most obviously did not and thought wrong.

This is not the only time they have been wrong.


It is proof that he is not always honest.

Now, that does not mean you have to change your opinion, you are allowed to believe him even if lots of things he has said have now been proven to not be accurate.

I was simply answering your point that there was nothing he had said that was proven incorrect.

Again, I am not expecting you to change your admiration of IM. I am just rebutting your point.


Like I said it was a performance that was more about scoring points in COTH than anything. Like a number of posters supportive of LK including herself, the IM posts contained innacuracies and inconsistencies to the extent it would be fair to say they appeared to be deliberately lying. I have never seen any reason to believe any of the hints IM provided about their identity or gender. Those are the easiest things to hide online. We don’t know and are not supposed to speculate on the identity but there is no reason to assume that IM really was male, really was knowledgeable, or indeed really was close to the case.


In that one particular case, I believe IM was, in fact, male.

I only remember it because I think he slipped up in one post and mentioned his gender, and then when I pointed it out, he tried to backpedal and pretend that was not the case. When I actually quoted the post to demonstrate my point, he could not deny it any longer.

Maybe that was all a big scam, who knows. But it seemed like a genuine error on his part that he tried to lie about after the fact.


I agree @MHM, IM has admitted to being male.


He said months ago that he did not edit his posts.

Months later, he alters his behavior and edits a sentence in a post. If he came back on, now, and said “I have never edited a post”, that would be contradicted.

I said at one point that I never flagged offensive posts. It was true. Subsequently, I changed my behavior and started flagging offensive posts. That doesn’t mean I lied when I made the original statement months ago.

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Most of us call that “lying”. :wink:


Mental gymnastics must be exhausting.


It really doesn’t make a difference who IM is in real life. They have little credibility IMO. No bombshells, no surprise testimony from RC, no damaging testimony from MHG or JH, no witnesses to testify to MB’s animal abuse and rages toward other people, nothing, nada, zilch. Their primary purpose was to keep the pot stirred, be the antagonist to me and several other posters, sow seeds of doubt to those still trying to understand what really happened. In other words, a perfect political foil.

As my very wise dad used to say, “They are as useless as teats on a wild boar”!


Like I said, you do not have to change your admiration.

That was not the only example. But… I get it. It is hard to let go.


Interesting that he says he knows more about the case than LK, RG, et al. but in that list he doesn’t include JK.


Of course no big deal to you when an edit is shown. Either you edit or you don’t. IM edits.


In one post he says he knows everything. I’m another he says he doesn’t. That reads as a falsehood to me.


Let me modify that for you .


I happily stand corrected!


Y’all having a chess tournament with pigeons?
My husband came across the trial by accident (watching a Korean cooking show in Youtube, of all things)
“The judge is a >expletive<”
I had to run errands, and when I came back (He must have speed tracked through the trial, but there were enough sidebars to cut the time in have on the recordings) “Where they ticked when he was acquitted?”

yeah, I guess you can say that…from somebody who can’t find FB half the time, even with notifications on the phone.