Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Either way it’s a win!


Wow, that is super crazy.

I’m sorry to say that I did not get to tour Alcatraz the one time I was in the area, since I did not realize how far in advance the tour got booked up. But I have a feeling that tour would have involved a lot of similar stories. Yikes.


I am morbidly fascinated by Alcatraz. That’s a tour I’d like to do too.


Whichever one of us gets there first, we can share pictures!

I did do the tour of the World War II submarine that is docked in San Francisco. That was enough of a source of nightmares for me.



The sub looks very cool!

I did a tour of this ship along with the USS Constitution. Also cool. I just love stuff like that.

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Honestly, I had the same thought when I toured General Washington’s headquarters at Valley Forge some years back. The people who went through those experiences were made of much sterner stuff than most of us today, that is for sure.


things you makeup when your are alone with your mind for 23out of 24 hours…



That is also a place I’d like to see. So many places full of so much history where you can’t help but feel awe and reverence.

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So very true.

Def get the audio tour at Alcatraz. It’s a fascinating place!

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My uncle commanded two different subs during WWII. I saw a photo taken by a crewmember of the men topside; they all had very long beards and they were also just filthy after being at sea for so long. Their appearance gave testament to the conditions they endured. In the late 1970s or early 1980s, he participated in the oral history project at Annapolis, and the details he gives about provisioning the subs and the way they operated were very detailed. Subs are not for the faint of heart (or claustrophobic). I don’t know how he did it. He was 6’1, so he spent years in a crouch. The man was completely unflappable.


Good to know. Thanks!

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Rowdy, ive been on coth for 12 years, and this is my second post ever. I work at a mental health therapy tech at a state hospital and your report is very very close. The only thing I have to add is there is a lot of abuse to the staff. Most patient abuse is a 20 something male patient getting in a relationship with a 20 something female staff. At least how it seems by my observation. It is patient abuse.
Yes, patients are bored, but we do community outings, hikes, movies. ECT. I even bring my horse to work , and I get asked every day how’s Kopp. I probably just gave myself up :sunglasses:.


I’m thinking subs are a stinky place.

God bless those who endured so we wouldn’t have to.


Thank you for sharing your insights. You have a tough job and I don’t think I could do it. How does your horse react to the patients? They’re such sensitive beings that I was curious.


They were even worse before nuclear subs.

You realize you just described yourself, right?


I used to board with a woman who was a nurse at Vacaville Correctional. Her primary job was antibody testing for HIV. The queens would create make up out of any thing, absolutely anything.

She had to undergo medication several times (from getting bitten, scratched, spit on, etc.) and those meds were not for the faint of heart. I was too young to realize how valuable her barn time was to her.


Rowdy,I absolutely love my job. I specialize in community reintegration. Get to do lots of very fun things with lots of very fun, intelligent, kind people. I’m talking about the patients and staff.

Kopp seems to love going to work with me, he gets cookies galore, brushed, and hugs by a bunch of adoring fans. He goes for a 2 hour shift no more then once a week. Patients learn so much , and feel like they’ve accomplished so much if they can get him to trot along side them. Some have learned to pick his feet, and they can lunge him. The patients feel so empowered that something listens and does what they say… as long as they say it kindly. I had another horse that used to go, and he was put down in February. Patients and I cried together over him… I’d had him for 30 years.

Well, I’m afraid you’ve woken the dragon, you’ll never get rid of me if I get to talk horses and work.