Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

It all seems so weird to me too.


A saying on the radio yesterday. Paraphrasing for lack of memory.

The way you make other people feel, reflects on the person you are.


For a lesson on that just readā€¦
Thicker than Water - Tyler Shultz

He wasnā€™t in jail, heā€™s one of the Theranos whistleblowers. But the way the system works, whoever has the most money, has a good chance of winning.


And yet again, your understanding is incorrect.

The jury must find that the state proved MB was the shooter. NOT that he was guilty of attempted murder. Attempted murder requires intent and forethought, and due to his mental state he was not capable of either. Being the shooter is NOT the same as being guilty of attempted murder. The state could not prove that charge.


Thank you. I think yā€™all are saying the same thing. Itā€™s the same thing Iā€™ve been saying too.

You put it very well.

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Iā€™m curious about what life will be like for MB at AKFC. Do they have a commissary or is life much more structured/controlled there? LK is a frightening person, but patients at hospitals for the criminally insane are even more frightening. I hope for MBā€™s sake that the psychiatrists donā€™t detain him there too long and believe he is a candidate for a less restrictive environment.


I donated $100 and if that $100 went to 30 packs of Ramen for other inmates, Iā€™m fine with that.

Iā€™m also fine if my money goes towards a bunch of missed coffee dates with Hay Guy, or a bouquet of flowers for LO. Iā€™m also ok if it goes towards a bottle of Scotch for Mr. B and team. Hell, a big fat juicy steak would work too.

Basically, I gave because Iā€™ve been following this bizarrely and tragically sad case for the past two and a half years and I came out still not feeling all that great about things.

I will also look up one of my local victimā€™s assistance groups and make a donation in recognition that ā€˜nobody deserves to be shotā€™.


Interestingly, as much as I know about jails and prisons, I know next to nothing about the workings of a State run psych hospital.

Iā€™m with you there in that sooner, rather than later, I hope they feel heā€™s ready for a less restrictive environment.


Iā€™m reading this now. I think MBā€™s supporters will have to keep the spotlight shining on his stay at AKFC.

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No itā€™s not at all what youā€™ve been saying.


I love your idea. I know here, our victimā€™s assistance programs are largely volunteer based, and can use any bit of help.

And I agree. I donā€™t really care how the funds are dispersed. If my donation helps take even a small load off someoneā€™s mind, thatā€™s good enough for me.


I am 500+ posts behind because itā€™s my last week of work and I apologize if this has already been mentioned) - but if we thought the Barisone trial had some crazy moments with the barefoot veiled ninja, the Depp-Heard trial lawyers said ā€œhold my beerā€ and gifted us with a vaping, driving (!!!) building concierge with the most hilarious testimony ever. Enjoy!

Edited to add the only reason I knew about the Depp-Heard trial was because of the interruptions with jury selection updates during Barisone - so I hope not too off topic!


Bumping this up. I bought Mothersā€™ Day cards today and forgot about this. Thank you Tarlo.


Money where my mouth is. I found an interesting local (Montreal) organization that provides help to women in need. Their help ranges from housing, food basket deliveries, and crisis intervention, to psychological help and social support/referrals, and they follow women long term.

For anyone interested, sorry, itā€™s in French only

Iā€™ve struggled a lot during this whole debacle with feelings of victimā€™s rights. This case has a very unlikeable victim, who walks the tightrope of victim/perpetrator. I didnā€™t want those feelings to get lost here, so I feel slightly better having also donated to a victimā€™s group.


I donā€™t recall now where I saw it, but somewhere recently I read that he is not allowed to receive cards while he is still in jail. Only letters.

Apparently the rules at the jail are designed with the idea that cards could be used as weapons. Which sounds like a stretch to me, but those are the rules.

Hopefully he will be allowed to also receive cards once he moves from the jail to a mental health facility.


Props to you for coming up with such a productive solution. :+1:


Yea - plain letter paper only. No cards, colored envelopes, etc. allowed at the jail. Now, once he gets out of the jail, that may change.


Once again, who knew?!?

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I sent a card. My initial reaction was, ā€œOh no, he wonā€™t get it until heā€™s been released.ā€ Then I thought, ā€œGood, in addition to all the letters heā€™s receiving in jail, heā€™ll get dozens (at least) of cards after heā€™s released.ā€



This one class I took, we got to take a tour of the State maximum security prison that houses death row here. One of the most fascinating stops in the tour was the room of contraband/confiscated items. It is absolutely crazy how someone can turn a greeting card into a weapon. Or try hide drugs under the stamp on an envelope. My personal favorite - someone had used the hot plate on the floor that is generally used to make coffee (commissary) to melt the bristles of a toothbrush together. Then they had filed those molten bristles into a razor sharp weapon just by running it on the concrete in the cell.

For a while colored ink letters, especially gel ink, were prohibited. Iā€™m not sure if that is still true. But the ink can be lifted off the paper and used in illegal prison tattoos.

I went home that night thinking, if only they would put that energy to good use.