Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Totally agree. This was just another way to try to cast aspersions on MB’s character.


At no point in the recording did I get the impression that the young woman was aware of being filmed and if she were actually randomly flashing, you would think that it would have been caught on their recording. It was several minutes long.


Well even well off people can be hammered by legal fees.

The useful thing about a GFM is its an easy way to accept donations from well wishers who feel they can afford it. I am sure MB has many well wishers who are seriously wealthy as well as those who were horrified at the trial and want to contribute a little bit.

The other nice thing about GFM is that you can just ignore and not donate unless you feel personally moved to do so. I have to say that most GFM seem a tad problematic to me.

The bit about him donating to jail cell mates is just a nasty jab though. It’s taking MB’s report probably 2 years ago on jail house conditions and buying commissary items for them totally out of context. There’s no indication that this GFM is being raised as a general benefit for prisoners rights.


Just now catching up, but didn’t LK, under oath, state the she didn’t delete SM posts,as that was more MHG’s thing?
Isn’t that what CH asking? Proof she admitted to not deleting posts?


Michael explained in a lengthy letter that has been circulated that he purchased items from the commissary and shared them with fellow inmates. These items were toothpaste, soap, deodorant, etc. Outside food packages have been sent to him weekly as well consisting of small quantities of pouched tuna, cheese pizza, pouched salmon, beef stew, etc. Care packages were also sent containing limited quantities of underwear, socks, etc. He shared all of these items with fellow inmates because that is the type of human being he is. He never asked anyone to send him anything except one time I am aware of he needed a pair of socks. Everything donated to these programs by friends was unsolicited by Barisone.

Now, tell me you have a problem with that, okay?


What family? Huh? His sister?

Might be best if you walk away gracefully from this subject at this time.


His ‘partner’ who is organizing the GoFund Me

No problems with that. In fact, I think that that’s a great thing for him to do. But I’m sure he could use some cash.

There is no chance that RG referenced the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE). None.


Yes, there appear to be quite a few people eager to contribute to the gofundme account to see his attorneys pursue the Civil litigation against the gang of people who ruined not only his life, but also damaged the lives of many others! People I am positive have never met Barisone and couldn’t pick him out of a crowd are donating for their own reasons. I’m sure the money will be put to excellent use.


I understand every cent will be allocated for legal fees.

Barisone’s personal needs will be met by many others close to him until he is ready to resume his future work. Just as his properties (animals and FL farm) have been maintained in his absence.


And what makes you think his “partner” hasn’t taken on the huge load of maintaining everything in his absence? This particular person didn’t jump and run when things became difficult, chosing to stay, organize others to get what needed to be done quickly and efficiently while running their own successful business. Everyone should have a “partner” like this in their lives. It’s called loyalty and stepping up for those in need. Too bad others are immune to those attributes.


I’m just going to put this out there. Jail conditions are deplorable. So are prisons, although some can be marginally better.

Let’s start with jails/prisons limit the amount of money you can have “on the books”. If you have any fines, court costs, child support, etc…that comes off the top.

Want to make a phone call? You have to call collect (a call that’s recorded), and for 15 minutes the person on the other end will spend $10-$20. And, you can only make so many phone calls a day. Alternatively, inmate can buy a phone card thru commissary (which doesn’t make the calls cheaper.

My local jail does two meals a day which consist of a bologna sandwich for one, and a pb&j sandwich for the other. If you want anything else, better have money on your books.

Inmates are issued a set amount of hygiene products, including toilet paper. And this stuff is so bad it makes dollar store products look luxurious. If you want to buy dollar store stuff at not dollar store prices, commissary.

God forbid you have an allergic reaction to the cheap ass soap and break out badly enough to need meds. You better have money on your books.

Local jail - one jumper, 2 pairs of undies, 2 pairs of socks, one pair of shoes. They wear out…commissary.

You want a blanket? You can purchase one from the commissary.

Local jail gives out one pencil, 10 sheets of paper, 5 stamps, and 5 envelopes per month.

Headache? Need an aspirin? (Or in some cases they only stock Pamprin/Mydol for their male inmates.). Do you have $$ on your books?

The vast majority of inmates in the county jail are awaiting trial. Some are serving short sentences, but most of them are awaiting trial. They haven’t had their day in court. Maybe they’re guilty. Maybe not. But, there they sit. 99% of them are too broke to pay attention.

So if MB wants to pay $3.00 for a pack of Ramen for some dude in the next cell, cool. (Yes. $3 for a pack of Ramen is one of the finer delicacies you can get from your local commissary.)


Setting aside whatever one thinks of the merits of this specific case, the look we are all getting behind the scenes at how the justice system works in this country has been an eye-opener, for sure.


In my opinion, the main reason for the gofundme in this situation. is it allows people who want to help, who want to do something, anything to make MB feel like they are out there for him to actually do something. So what if all they can spare is $10, that $10 is still amazing and they can feel good for helping that person they wanted to help.
I would guess that no one got up one day and said ‘let’s go ask everyone to pay for the legal fees’. What happened as people were asking how they could help, and this seemed like a good way to answer that question.


A few years ago, my kid got caught with a bunch of weed. Ironic, now that weed is legal in our state. Anywho, he took a plea and did around 6 months total. 3 months or so at the local jail before they got around to transferring him, 4 weeks at reception while they classified him. By the time he got to the actual prison, he never went into the population because it was time to process out.

He actually did have a bad allergic reaction to the soap. And had to pay the infirmary (from his books) to get help.

I KNEW most of this stuff going in, because of my job. And it was still eye opening.

On a positive note, he has stayed trouble free, and now he can get his record expunged cheap and easy because of the change in marijuana laws here.


@Knights_Mom or anyone else- how to you edit your go fund me tag for Michael’s site. I want to donate again but with something other than anonymous or my actual name. . TIA


I have not done it, but from what I understand, after you donate it sends you an email and in that email is a link to modify your donation. Using that link you can go in and change the name like some people did.


I’m glad he got through the experience and has stayed out of trouble.

The whole upheaval of marijuana laws still seems so weird to me. In my state, there is some sort of program so that people with past marijuana convictions get preferential treatment if they want to apply for licenses to sell it legally now, or something.

I don’t quite understand the whole system, since it doesn’t really have anything to do with me. But it all seems very topsy turvy.


Thank you