Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

This continues to be one of my favorite IM posts. It seems to me it runs the gamut of emotions, deflection, denial and desperation. IM’s normally confident swagger like way of posting was gone, replaced with childish name calling and innuendo.

Bring on the Civil trial. I predict IM will be front and center with their close association with the Kanarek gang.


Where are all these recent posts coming from on Facebook?

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I do seem to recall quite a few posts that declared that “it all happened exactly as planned”.


Yes, I saw the video when she posted it on Facebook. I advised her to take it down. She came back swinging at me, saying she knew who I was and called me IdahoRider and said I was on her “list”.

The video in question involved a trip to a grocery store/clothing store. Like Target. The video was taken on a cell phone. They were recording a young woman who was dressed in animae: short skirt, knee high stockings, a colored wig and a tiny backpack. She was pretty large, especially wearing those chunky high heeled shoes.

LK and RG had seen her bend over and decided to follow her through the store. recording her. They were whispering to each other, which the cell phone picked up, that she was “hideous” and basically fat shaming a complete stranger. They decided that they would follow her through the store, recording her in case she bent over again. They continued to make disparaging remarks about her weight and her “ridiculous” clothing, while following her. They would also call out in louder voices about looking for some unnamed, but specific item as they followed her. This was an attempt to make it look like they weren’t following her, but rather were looking for something they couldn’t find. Their whispered conversation belied that charade because they continued to make fun of her as they followed her all the way to the check out stand. I clearly remembering LK saying they needed to keep recording while the young woman was unloading her purchases at the check stand because “she still might bend over”.

It was vile.


re bold: Uh yes. See; cameras.

As for the phone, laptops, etc being confiscated… seriously?
I can log into my accounts from any device, whether mine, or the guy next to me at Panera…


Hmm…IM’s specific twist on this was that the girl was purposefully going around and flashing people. LK played evasion games when it was suggested that it it was so innocent that she provide access for independent evaluation as to what was going on in the video….


I wonder if there was a similar backstory involved in LK’s assault charge, when she claimed she was just defending herself.


This article was in my local newspaper, I think it might be uplifiting for people to read.


Yes, as I recall, LK kept claiming that the video was easy to find for anyone who wanted to verify the events.

Spoiler alert: It was not.

I believe I kept asking her repeatedly why she didn’t just post the video if it proved her version of the story. But for some reason, she did not want to do that. :thinking:


Unfortunately, not strict enough to force her into becoming a productive member of society.


I haven’t caught up on posts yet so apologize if this has been clarified. I believe @Justice_for_Horses is being snide in suggesting that the money that was sent/is being sent to MB is not being used to help other prisoners. He/She is inferring that MB has not been helping the others but keeping all donations for himself.

So glad I live in a different world than all these pro-LK types.


You are wrong. I’m not pro lk. I just dont like the idea of contributing to someone that doesn’t need the money. His net worth is probably more than most of us. And to give someone money and then have them share it with inmates doesn’t sit well with me.

When you give someone something it’s theirs to do with as they please


Well, I don’t give a rat’s patootie what Barisone did with the money I deposited in his commissary account or what he did with the food and care packages sent to him while confined in this hellhole of a jail for 32 months. It’s not like he was ordering in from Starbucks and Ruth’s Chris was it? What isn’t mentioned is the limits placed on outside contributions to innocent people incarcerated in jails.

Shame on these sadistic jerks.


Who said he was sharing it with inmates?
I find this comment extremely appaling. No knock to you, I’m sure you are a very nice person with great opinions.
But if I was a person who had just did something very bad because of my mental condition, and I had to pay for horses, loss of income, and expensive medication(possibly), I would appreciate the extra money.


Um, Barisone does not have access to his bank accounts or private wealth while incarcerated. Guess you didn’t know that or even care to ask, did you?


So far he’s still the attorney on record.


Didn’t you previously claim his financially crushing divorce as the reason he was so desperate to keep ammie on again/off again riders like LK …?
It can’t be both that he’s rolling in it, and he’s so broke he had to keep teaching her.

As for giving other inmates money/items from his commissary (see letter) to buy…soap… Shampoo, edible food…
You do realize he is housed with other persons presumed to be innocent, don’t you?


Inmates are people, too. And many are in jail, because they can’t afford bail, or a decent lawyer.


His family could help pay for those things with the money. I’m just saying he probably needs the income. And yes, I am not an expert on jail/incarceration.