Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Presumably there were two cameras: one over the entrance door from the porch pointed out to the parking area.

When you walk in that door to the laundry room and take a left, that door went into the main floor apartment. If you keep going straight from the laundry room up the stairs that door lead into the top apartment.

I think the second camera was above that door pointing down to the laundry room. That would be the one that he kept setting off while doing laundry.

Why he wouldn’t just turn that one off—:woman_shrugging:t2:, or like roseymare said why didn’t he just turn off the notifications on his actual phone?

His testimony inferred that they only intended to use them when they were away showing.

Did they take Rosie with them when they went away to shows? Or did someone care for the dogs and come and go into the apartment?


I keep thinking about RG saying at least twice during his testimony that he was making recordings “from his pocket.” So he would just casually put his hand in his pocket and flip on a recording device whenever they were around any of the other people on the farm.


She’s still going to prove that she had a career to lose, and what the dollar value of that career means. Just using the word won’t be enough. And you can bet MB will have his legal team ready to show scores, scratches, missed trainings, etc. It’s easy to sue for loss of a “career” as opposed to hobby. Proving it is an entirely different matter.


I’m pretty sure Mr. D or Mr. B would have very little trouble blowing gigantic holes in that theory.

I actually just had that conversation the other day with the person who was cutting my hair, and we were talking about actual Olympic athletes. Lol.


It’s funny to me how everyone just accepts the idea that he was even doing laundry that day. Based on what? His word? And LK’s word? :thinking:


I’m not sure you would need Mr. B or Mr. D to blow holes in that theory.

Just pick a few posters here—they would probably do it pro bono.


I have no doubt that the police never checked the validity of that. They could not be bothered to check for real evidence regarding the case so I am sure they did not check to verify his story about laundry.


Someone please remind me where the screenshots upthread of RG posting the usual diatribe was on FB. Was it a Coth thread or a Law & Crime thread?


Why yes, upon RG’s word :woman_facepalming:t2:! What were we thinking?

Maybe it was the saddle pads on the drying rack? (Because as soon as they dry, one always takes them down instead of leaving them there for days! /s)


The posts that are in theory from RG are from the Law & Crime facebook post.


Thank you!

No doubt.

But Mr. B and Mr. D would do it in such a way that the average person on the jury could understand it.

Unlike a few posters on here who might go into rather extravagant detail on scores and levels and the like. Lol.


What I posted was from Law and Crime on FB

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Yes, he could decline. The State would still have to turn over his report to the defense.

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Maybe that’s why things are very quiet around the cross ties, or whatever that phrase was, at the farm where they are now.


Well, in at least one version, LK says he was upstairs laying on the bed. In another she says she doesn’t know what he was doing.


He also said at one point they were voice activated.


As I was looking for that post on the Law and Crime Facebook page, I was pretty appalled by all the other stories I scrolled past on the way to find that one.

In addition to the endless(!) posts about the Johnny Depp trial, there were all kinds of other horrible stories. Even if you are generally aware that stuff like that happens, it’s depressing to see so many examples of it. :frowning:


Plus I think in at least a couple of versions, she said RG was talking to the lawyer on his phone. Even though the lawyer testified that all he said to RG was, “Can I speak to Lauren?” :thinking:


Regarding the cameras being turned off. While the coincidental timing is very suspicious, I have a blink system, and it is easiest to just deactivate to stop notices. I would have to really look to figure out how to turn one camera off versus another. They recently (as in after the trial) added a snooze feature. I have no idea how to turn off notifications.

So his story is plausible. The timing is suspicious.