Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

If I was boarding somewhere with people who admitted to recording others around them, I would be limiting my interactions as much as possible. Maybe even forgetting how to speak. It’s just creepy and not right. Not normal behavior at all.


I think this would apply to many parts of their story if you did not know anything about the background.

The whole “ruin his life” plan casts a lot of doubt on their credibility for anything that comes under the heading of plausible but suspicious.


Thanks - I missed it that there were TWO cameras. But I agree - why would he have turned off both of them when it was just the one in the laundry room that was sending him constant notifications? And why would he have wanted the one over the porch turned off when they knew MB was going to find out at some point that they were back at the farmhouse? They would have been EXTRA sure they would be aware when/if he arrived, so would therefore have left that one ON.


Honestly, the fact that after listening to both of them recount the events I was even more confused about what happened says it all.


Strangely, turning off the camera is the one thing I believe, just not the reason.

Hypothetically, say they knew ED was going to call. Say he told them the day before that he would give LK a call around 2 pm to give an update. Say they also knew MB away on his way down. Say they had confrontation in mind. They wouldn’t want that recorded when they knew they were going to have their crucial “ear witness” that wouldn’t be there to see all the nitty gritty. He would just hear enough to validate them. They just didn’t expect gunshots to enter the fracas.


Good point. Although he does seem to have spent more time doing laundry than anything else. It may have even been a career for him… :upside_down_face:


So if he just turned off the notifications and not the cameras themselves, they continued to record - yes? So the fact that there was NO FOOTAGE to be found from the cameras reinforces the idea that he (or someone) deliberately deleted the footage. Inquiring minds want to know WHY? What would that footage have revealed that would not corroborate their story that MB just whipped out the gun and shot LK the moment he saw her?


:woman_shrugging:t2: He testified that he turned the cameras off.

I guess there is no proof one way or the other.


I was thinking that he turned off the notifications based on EmilyM saying it is easier to turn those off than to deactivate the cameras themselves. But I guess a camera wizard like RG would have no problem turning off the cameras. HOWEVER - I still wonder why he turned off the one over the porch. Especially since they knew MB was probably going to show up there at one point and they would not have wanted to be surprised by him. (Although since LK was lounging on the porch, I guess she was performing “lookout” duties.)


But what if she claims she was on the path to a professional career? That she was training with a BNT, buying horses, working on her 2nd level medal, etc. so that she could move out of AA into professional? I know that isn’t her skill level now, nor then, nor that it is her potential, given her lack of work eithic, but what if she claimed that was what she was trying to do, does that qualify as ruining her career?

And as for her “career”, what about reputation? How can you expect sponsors and employers when your reputation is that of a grifter and a sociopath, or worse? Her reputation didn’t become soiled as a result of this trial, or as a result of MB and MHG. One could argue it became cemented with the exposure of what happened on the farm, but she had a reputation of being a grifter and sociopath, being kicked out of barns, a drug addict, unmotivated, unreliable, and worse, before she hooked up with MB. She was never on a path to become a professional. As MHG put it on the stand, when asked, she could be seen as a competent rider, if she put in the work, but this isn’t someone who puts in the work to excel at much of anything. Except maybe the dancing, which is something she has aged out of.

I can’t see how she could effectively argue that she had a foundation for a career in riding for the future given her lack of accommplishment up to this age in life, but maybe that’s what she imagines was her future.


And maybe a few jurors who would have leaned towards self defense if Judge Taylor hadn’t taken it off the table.


And yet, unplugging the dryer…


Yes, much better to call the fire marshall about a faulty dryer than to unplug it.


And wait until morning to alert them, too, b/c at least we know nothing ever burns down over night so they’d be safe until the office opened in the morning. :roll_eyes:


That path is still going to include missed trainings, scratched competitions, etc. It’s hard to prove you had a serious path to anything when actual records show you didn’t actually take it serious enough to show up.


Actually I think she said the reverse: “. . . I have a blink system, and it is easiest to just deactivate [?the cameras?] to stop notices. . . I have no idea how to turn off notifications.” <—the part in square brackets is my interpretation, based on context (specifically the last sentence) - @EmilyM can clarify if I’m wrong!

The FB conversation about the cameras from Home Depot took place all the way back in April, 2019, right around the time that MHG told her that if she didn’t like it there she should leave.


You are right, I misread it. But still - he is a self-professed camera wizard, so it seems he could have easily taken the camera in the laundry room off line but left the one over the porch operational. (I know, I keep trying to think of what a rational person would do, but there isn’t much about either of those two folks that seems rational. :laughing:)


I figure with their ever so busy social life (sarcasm) why is a few notifications from the cameras an issue? Just ignore the phone and move on.


Mr. Trub says that with Blink cameras you just turn them on and off individually. It is not a set up that has you turning them all on or all off.