Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

And now I’m rethinking watching him again in the civil trial. Who knows what he might blurt out?


That was the biggest head scratcher of the whole trial….

The prosecution/judge literally spent the whole trial keeping all that stuff out……and just sat there grinning away while Stache went on about it all….

That could not have gone unnoticed by the jury…


I wonder if anyone used the Wayback Machine to save that post.


How is it a “lie” to say, in response to a court request that you document all the deletions and edits you’ve made on your thousands of SM posts,

  1. This request is overly broad and too burdensome, and
  2. I “generally” don’t edit or delete, except when I do edit or delete, that is, when I have posted in error.

We all know she edits and deletes. If you don’t want to produce all that stuff, what would have said (as LK or her lawyer)?


But I don’t know if I need to watch him live.

For me, there are a lot of sports that are worth watching in highlight form, rather than slogging through the whole thing. I think the Mustache could be the same.

I don’t need to sit through his four hour testimony instead of catching the replay of the relevant two minutes later. Lol.


I’m sure it didn’t. And it was clearly very satisfying for Mr B and team.


What does the part of the sentence that I underline mean to you @CurrentlyHorseless?


That was actually super weird, wasn’t it? Why do you suppose the judge did that?


Lol, very true!

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Let’s see the screen shot of LKs post about the Ruger. Go ahead and subpoena FB if you need to.

I sort of enjoyed his testimony, as I learned a lot about the field of psychology (also learned a lot from Dr. Simring and Dr. Hasson). And since Schlesinger was a prosecution witness, Schellhorn (and Taylor) let him go on and on about stuff, so every once in a while he would say something that made me go, “What? Really?” I wish I had taken notes during those “Aha” moments, because he ended up doing more to help the defense than the State. I really wondered if the jury was going to catch on, and apparently they did. :laughing:


He fell asleep during the qualifications?

Seriously, the Prosecution opened the door and Stache ran right on through. The judge has no obligation to stop the state from shooting themselves in the foot.

When Mr B was trying to get that info out there, he was doing it on cross, and his questions were beyond the scope of direct, among other things.

The bigger question is why Mr S allowed his witness to open those doors.


I generally do not delete or edit content - nowhere near the extent or even a fraction of how often LK does. I generally DO edit typos. I know how I would answer that question if it were me and it would be a lot more truthful than how she did.

Knowing that LK DOES often delete and edit and that she could give a toss about grammar, capitalization, typos, etc given her posting style and the myriad typos and bad capitalization and the like - do you honestly believe the way she answered that question with honesty? I sure don’t.


Obligation, no. But I am surprised that he did not object. He objected at other times when the state did not.


Nothing. When you don’t produce stuff they go in and take it. Being evasive just gives them the ammunition to do so.


Schellhorn seemed so focused on getting Schlessinger to declare that MB was malingering and that he was not insane at the time of the shooting, that I am not even sure he was aware that Dr. Stache was opening other doors…

Perhaps by then, he was so over it that his brain was starting to glaze over. :upside_down_face:


Mr. B also seemed to enjoy listening to Dr. Stache “opening doors.”

His expression during that testimony was priceless!


Should LK ever sue KM, then KM would have grounds to subpoena FB to get the complete record (deleted and all). So no, LK probably won’t ever sue KM over it.


Yes, but different situations. He objected to fairly objectionable questions by Mr B, even when the state did not. That’s his right as a judge, and Mr B seriously toed the line on some of his questions.

Different rules apply on direct exam, especially with an expert witness. Judge T made sure he repeated to the jury that all that “hearsay” testimony wasn’t to prove the truth of the matter, it’s what the experts were saying affected MB’s state of mind.

So, you have Dr Simring testify that yep, LK launched a campaign of terror and wow did it work (I AM SUMMARIZING HERE FOR GENERALITY AND ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES)

Then Dr Hasson comes along and says, Holy Moly LK launched a campaign, boy did it work and no, he’s not feigning amnesia.

State brings on Stache to rebut those two. The only way he could rebut was to say, Everyone was afraid, she wasn’t just terrorizing him. It was a key part of the State’s case, and in direct rebuttal to the defense witnesses. So Mr S went there. It probably wasn’t wise, but it was allowed by the rules of evidence, unlike some of the things Mr B tried to pull off. And the Stache followed him right through.


What a very odd thing to say. Issuing a challenge to subpoena FB where there is no court matter to attach it to?

Plus I have no need to prove a darn thing to YOU. But it was nice to reassure any confused or misled reader that my word is true. Also true, I have more screenshots.

So yes, others remember what I do and they also state the post was deleted.

But hey, you do you.