Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I’ve learned that ignore fails when the ignored poster quotes someone and another poster then quotes the preceding post including the original that ignoree quotes. basically the protection fails once we get into a long quote train


Once she was shot twice, those comments could certainly seem to take on a more sinister meaning even if there was not meant to be.

The best ignore feature is the one that involves self control rather than a BB setting. But it can be very hard to apply it all the time, especially when someone is being exceptionally ridiculous.


I may just have to make Mr. Bilinkas above my desktop picture!

RE: The gun.

I could make a post saying I own two saddles popular in the 70’s and 80’s, a Passier and a Stubben. Later, I might check and find that the Passier is actually a Crosby. I go back and change “Passier” to Crosby. Being of the “LK persuasion”, I might say, “I DON’T own a Passier—find the post where it says that!” Or, I might delete the post totally and say, “FIND a post where I say I own a Passier!”

After two and a half years of LK saying one thing and then rewriting it, the “I never lie”, etc., I can easily believe she did something like that above with the “models” of her guns. She might NOT have ever owned a Rutger, but she MIGHT have written (at least once) that she DID.


My general thought is that a person who threatens everyone and anyone who says something they do not like means it when they post something on social media that can appear to be threatening.


Credibility regarding Ruger/Lugers is long gone, especially yours.

You are very knowledgeable in other areas though.

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@Knights_Mom, I think you are very credible.


That’s true.

But someone who is generally stirring up trouble, refusing to get off the property, sneaking around in the dark in a ninja outfit, ignoring rules about barn hours, recording private conversations and using them to needle people, filing complaints with the fire and building inspectors, and making bogus safe sport reports could certainly be considered a threat without even factoring in anything on social media.

Especially after a background check has turned up an extremely extensive arrest record in multiple states.


I somehow got 2K posts behind. I give up on catching up at this point.

Has MB been transferred yet? Any news on when the civil case might start up?


MB has not been transferred yet.

The civil case has been kicked back in gear. Not much action yet. Our amazing legal minds say these types of cases take years.
There are some deadlines that are current now with the civil case but I do not remember what they are. Hopefully someone else can tell you those.


MB had not been transferred as of yesterday, Monday. I have not seen an update about it today.

I believe the depositions are scheduled to start in August, and it sounds like they might take quite some time.


Yes because it keeps happening again and again.

LK deleting, editing, and lying did happen again and again and again.


Yes, LK keeps editing and deleting posts again and again, that is certainly true.



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Yes… she went in and edited posts here even months or a year and a half later, typically leaving a “why isn’t this thread closed?” outraged comments at the time… even though it was her own post that bumped a long dormant topic back up.


Yes, let’s not forget that the poor moderators here even had to come up with a new method of locking and archiving old threads to stop that from happening all the time.


It is an interesting theory that stories that keep coming up again and again with no evidence might not be true. Gosh, the list of those between Hut and CH is pretty long.


Yes. Definitely some common themes as well.


CH has been pushing this story line for some time now:

So, to be clear, CH is explicitly saying, the BFF I luuuuuurve you bestie did not say she had heard the recordings. CH is also explicitly saying that posters here made that up and it’s not true.

Then @Omgitsme posts this.

Where’s our grammarian now to parse this sentence and ‘do’ English for us the way lawyers and courts ‘do’ English?

Oh, and ‘admit she misremembered’ when she stated, ‘No, the friend didn’t say that.’?