Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

The homestead rule. Now if JK were added as a defendant, that house isn’t HIS primary residence.

Also, if I were looking down the road as the plaintiff in this case, I’d drop my lease of the barn apartment. That could be construed as her primary residence by a clever lawyer, especially as she has already mentioned it on this board. That could open up the house as an asset.


Except that Facebook post was screen shot and posted here numerous times and it was two Walthers not a Ruger or a Luger. So people were mistaken or lying about what they saw on Facebook. They might be believable if they said LK posted twice, once about Walthers and once about Rugers of Lugers but no, just a “misrememberance” of a Ruger.

So who is lying here? Could it possibly be gasp the Ruger claims? I think CH is very generous to say misremember. That makes her quite generous in assigning motives for these threads. LOL!

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That was a different post. Do note the screenshots I posted above of others who saw it too. Also I have yet more screenshots attesting to what I saw.

But nice try. Almost.

Ok not really, but I didn’t want to crush you.


Are you trying to say that there is a better chance that a bunch of people are making up having seen the post than LK posting something and then deleting or editing it?


If you’re so hot and bothered about LK’s post, you should probably subpoena it from FB.


Boy that Ruger thing certainly gets panties in a bunch.

Suspiciously so.


I imagine it’s because FB has yet to be subpoenaed. The criminal trial was so protective of the victims, I bet the defense wasn’t allowed to attempt to recover deleted posts….


What’s this I see? Can it be another one?

Oh my gosh!!

So that’s FIVE today I posted. There are more.


Yeah, guess she was wrong wasn’t she? She is obviously another one who believed LK’s every word. Sad, isn’t it?


I’m saying there’s a better chance of someone misremembering the LK post as mentioning a Ruger, then multiple people, including KM echoing it, yes. All based on a FB post of LK saying she owned two Walthers.

KM can prove with screenshots that other people claim to have seen the Ruger post by LK. But she doesn’t have a screenshot of the supposed LK post, just screen shots of other posters saying they saw it.

I would not go around asserting that the earth is flat, then “prove it” by showing screenshots of other
people asserting the earth is flat!

But if KM is sued by LK (I don’t think she will be), KM can always subpoena FB. Or just admit that maybe she misremembered, or maybe she read done other person’s erroneous post.

Yes, I did mean “post hoc ergo propter hoc.”

I think it was a constellation of stresses that caused MBs mental break. LK was part of it, but not 100% of the source of stress, IMHO.

LOL. No one’s threatening to sue me for misrepresenting it!

But still no screenshot of the alleged LK post itself?
What are you saving it for?

How many posts could I find saying the earth is flat?

Do all those demented FB posts make it flat?

Sorry, I thought by “the other one” you meant Mr. Schellhorn.
Yes, Mr.Schellhorn’s sideburns remind me of an Elvis Impersonator’s, but I’m not so up on things like that these days. He was so well groomed and then had these sideburns that I just found weird. That’s why I wondered if it was a NJ thing. The guys around here can’t seem to shave off or even trim their beards! Isn’t that so 2020?

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Are you threatening KM for saying it? If not, why do you care? She’s shown numerous shots of others saying it too, are you after them as well to show you what they saw?

Again, if you have no connection to these people in the lawsuit what’s your interest?


CH forgets the part where I said all along LK must have deleted that post. And their obsession regarding the Ruger post only enforces that LK might very well be inclined to delete it for whatever reason.


LK has threatened me for saying it which prompted me to post the threats via PM that LK sent me.

Her fan boys continue to threaten or insinuate that I might be sued and I keep on telling them what I told LK. BRING IT.


'Tis all very sus…


[quote=“ohnoO, post:6610, topic:771580, full:true”]

No, the one that creeps me out is the photo of Dr. Evil. I am not sure how anyone can equate Mr B with Dr. Evil. :roll_eyes:


The pose only!

(I’ve never even seen any of those movies.)