Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I’m seriously thinking of printing the photo, framing it and sending it to Mr. B. It is priceless. Wish I could obtain a real print!!!


I recall she said she hadn’t “looked” at it. They were having one of their giggle-fests about it and I think I recall LK telling her to go ahead and look at it. I asked at the time if said friend would be in legal trouble for having whatever the data was. Shortly thereafter, the posts disappeared. It was never clear whether the data was an audio recording or a video but apparently the friend was given the item very shortly after the shooting perhaps while LK was still hospitalized. These two seem to chatter in code all the time - or they did. At least that was the raging scuttlebutt in the area at the time. Which raises the memory of the missing camera. (Simple speculation on a rumor that does not die.)


None of the above. The BO is a very old friend and I will not drag them into this or discuss it. LK still has an elderly horse at this facility as far as I know. I haven’t been over there in about a year.


My recollection was that she said she had heard it, the legality was questioned, then it vanished into the ether.
It was one of the few times I paid attention to her as during her fat shaming attempts she posted something vaguely threatening. I was reading her posts to see if she stepped all the way over the line…she didn’t.


perhaps at that point they realized who the real victim was?

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I have saved online photos to digital images on my computer, then sent the digital file off to any one of many places that will make prints for you. I’ve had surprisingly good luck with Walmart. You can do some editing / cropping before they print. They will mail the print, or you can pick it up at the store you choose.

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probably something she learnd from lawyer daddy…
perhaps from past performance?


You are probably correct. What caught my attention was the timing of it all. It was said this friend went to NJ along with someone else but was unable to see LK, so they came back home fairly quickly. Who gave them what sparked my curiosity. Of course LK has said under oath much of her SM posts are not true. All of this could have been one of the little games these two played with each other like 3rd graders.

All of this, other than the posts seen, is sheer speculation. I feel certain the legal teams will ferret out anything of importance if necessary.

While NC once may have been the place dressage goes to die, it is surely the place rumors come to thrive!


This was actually her friend.
LK has certainly threatened me with lawsuits but never mentioned anything that even hinted at physical harm. Her friend was the one toeing the line.


I’m so far behind, I dare not post on this thread since whatever I would be responding to would be about 500 posts back. LOL I just read through when I get a chance and like posts I agree with. :slight_smile:

In general I don’t post a lot on this board but have from time to time. I believe I commented on the most recent Maestro thread.


My guess is if the friend actually heard any of the “bombshell” recordings, she was interpreting them through the LK lens.
Like if someone said “let’s get rid of her” in the context of removing her from the farm, she would hear “let’s kill her” and ignore the context.


Only her vague comments on SM of sleeping with one eye open or which personality might come out, etc. As you say, right up to the line, careful to get the message across but not actually threaten.


You were saying?


Welcome back! :slight_smile:


His sideburns exclude class? Or creep you out? :thinking:


That description probably applies to a lot of those posts.


What about “Weapons Hot”?


I’ve been here all along but really behind. LOL I was frantically trying to finish the posts about the trail before the verdict was posted and didn’t quite make it. (I think I commented on that at the very beginning of this thread. :slight_smile: )

Sometimes my day job makes it really hard to try to catch up. And it’s a very busy thread! I go to bed 100 or 200 posts behind and wake up 500 posts behind.


LOL I hate when that happens!!


Join the club. There were times I just skipped over what I was missing and started reading near the end of the thread. Wrote down the numbers I skipped so at some time when I was bored and had time I could go back and catch up.