Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I remember her post about two guns but I didn’t pay attention to what kinds.


Said friend admitted in a post she had heard the tapes. No, I don’t have a screenshot.


You are, of course, free to decline to respond to my posts.

I respect and have appreciated your comments.

It reminds me a little bit of King George in Hamilton at the end of his last song, when he says, “Good luck!” Lol.


No, she didn’t. Not if you (gasp) read the whole sentence.

It can be a challenge, for sure.

When you’re used to conversations where people are actually trying to inform and clarify and exchange information, it’s hard to remember there are outliers who have the exact opposite goal.


Not in that screenshot, no. I’m not talking about that screenshot. I’m talking about a different comment SL made, hence why I said I don’t have a screenshot.


You’re deliberately missing the point. Did MB have mental health issues before LK? Absolutely. He was also running a successful business, attending therapy, and functioning as a rational human being.
So what changed to push him into an unsound mind? LK and her behavior.
Being in constant close proximity to someone who is up to all manner of nonsense (barefoot ninja, physically getting in his face, her SM posts) is enough to make anyone break.


And let’s not forget, there is evidence that this was not LK’s first rodeo. None of that evidence was admitted in the trial but I believe it will be admitted in the civil suit. As a friend of mine always says, “Past performance is a good indicator or future performance.” at least when it comes to personal behavior.

There may well be a line out the door of the courthouse of people willing to testify the limits to which LK will go to achieve her goals. And they will not be testifying as to what a nice person she is.


Post hoc ergo proctor hoc is I believe what you’re after here, roughly translated as “After this, therefore because of this”, a well known logical fallacy. Sometimes expressed as “Correlation does not imply causation.”

However, sometimes correlation DOES equal causation, as in, if my thumb hurts after I hit it with a hammer, perhaps the hammer was the cause of the pain.

What you have surely deliberately and willfully failed to consider is that there’s lots of evidence that LK and other’s behavior was the direct cause of MB’s psychotic break, much as the hammer and the thumb. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure a jury of 12 just ruled unanimously on exactly that connection.


I appreciate you saying that. And if you want to further discuss the mechanics and the process of how a civil suit works, and how it’s different than criminal law, maybe it would be more helpful to use general terms and examples.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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It isn’t hard to make the connection! Recently, I had a coworker who vacillated between seemingly wanting to skin suit me and harass/threaten/take me down. In fact, these threads led me to wonder (and other coworkers who wondered at her behavior to agree) whether she might have NPD. She eventually got herself fired for her behavior towards and actions against others (not me), but during the months that I was her target, she drove me to extreme anxiety and depression and caused me to behave in ways I hadn’t prior. I should have filed an EEO complaint. She DEFINITELY exacerbated my anxiety and depression and made me extremely paranoid. I imagine others - even those without mental health challenges - have encountered folks like that.

And with that, I am off to the barn. Praying I get there and on and working before “witching hour”, which for my mare begins about 3pm. Funsies!


Well, yes, “I saw and heard the proof” is a pretty definitive statement. It was in direct response to LK having videos and recordings.




Yeah, I remember it. SL was trying to fat shame me at the time so I was paying attention to her posts.


Initially for me I think it was Mr. S’s sideburns! Is that a NJ thing?

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I would like to know the story (maybe it was told many moons ago and I missed it) about what precipitated JK’s trip to NC to confront a previous BO.

I don’t want names or genders or location in the state, but was it because:

  1. Of money owed or board $$ skipped out on?
  2. BO kicked LK out and then bad-mouthed LK all over the state?
  3. LK left the barn and bad-mouthed BO all over the state who then reciprocated?
  4. None of the above and none of my business?



I didn’t follow all of the posts over the past couple of years, so I don’t know that particular story. You’ll have to do your own research unless another member helps you out.

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Perhaps they found or are finding significant evidence of others’ involvement while deep diving all the 19,000+ pages of information. None of us on this forum have a clue what the extent of the evidence there is that was excluded from the criminal trial that will definitely be allowed in the civil trial - both events and persons.