Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

And yet, you defend her and question not her, but others? Odd.


No it’s not. The SM platform keeps a record. It’s all just a subpoena away.


So, just like I said, the snowflakes mean “let it go”. Thanks for confirming that.

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Thank you for totally proving the point.


Guilty as charged; I do by implication often suggest that documentation would be pertinent. That’s quite different to “demanding” posts be produced, though.

You’re also right that I remain skeptical unless proof is provided. Doesn’t everybody?

Every civil lawyer objects to almost every question on an interrogatory, just as a matter for the record in the case. But the party still has to answer it.


This is one thing upon which we do agree. She took very readily to the various ways to qualify the veracity of a statement or deny knowledge without a clear denial. Also why she started writing ‘upon information and belief’ even in SM posts. :roll_eyes: Though, for the latter, I think it was also to give herself a gloss of legal knowledge.

What lawyers don’t do is craft things as ham fisted as ‘I don’t [x] except for when I [x].’ Most lawyers are a whole lot better than that, unless we are making a judgement about the quality of legal advice one might be receiving.


That is a much better way to say it.


It means, nice try to try and change your intent and to try and imply that I should be ashamed of what I wrote. It was in response to this:

But, you like to come out fists swinging. What was the title of your unsolicited message to me? “Jesus Christ what is wrong with you!” Pot meet kettle.


I am learning so much legal stuff here - thank you @ekat -


I don’t defend the nasty, obnoxious stuff she has done! I just disagree with the posters on here who say the untenuous, explosive situation that escalated during the summer of 2019 was 100% her fault.

Others, including MB, MHG and RC made plenty mistakes of omission and commission.

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Hamfisted is one thing; making you exposed to a perjury charge is quite another.

And yet - nobody here is saying it’s 100% her fault. They are saying that the evidence is overwhelming that she drove a man to his breaking point - on purpose and with glee - and that led to her being shot. Is she 75% culpable? 80%? Who cares. She did it on purpose and with glee and did it with unrelenting abandon.


You seem a bit paranoid regarding my opinion of you and I’m not sure why. I didn’t change my intent; you just didn’t like my clarification. I can’t do anything about that - it’s your choice to be paranoid or to believe me. You have made your choice and I can’t really care about that.

The only fists that are swinging right now are on your part. You presented questions to me and I answered them; if you choose to get all hot and bothered by my answers, that’s on you, not me.

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Um, no. Most people have curiosity to find information on their own. I’m guessing you were not on a debate team in college.


People on here have said, explicitly, that it is exactly 100% her fault.

If you don’t believe me, fine. I’m not looking it up.

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I do.


Well you and I have a history of disagreeing from time to time! And that’s a-ok by me!


Then what problem do you have with me? I’ve sent you no PMs.

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Then stop asking others for receipts. If your memory is sufficient, then so is that of others. Sheesh!