Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

You know, there are whole pockets of the internet, and multiple books written trying to figure out why Chris Watts annihilated his family. I bring this case up because his wife lived her life on SM. People have spent years dissecting every word of every post or video. And quite frankly, there are some nut jobs that think Shanann Watts brought it on herself. That group of nut jobs makes this group look so happy, butterflies, peace and kindness.

When things happen that don’t make sense, people try to make it make sense. When people give you volumes of info to look for meaning, well, people look. It doesn’t make anyone awful. There’s a reason crime blogs and tv shows and channels and podcasts and YouTubers etc keep gaining popularity. Because we all want someone to make it make sense, and maybe help us protect or insulate ourselves, or find peace with similar situations in our own lives.


Then you will understand we remain sceptical that there is a post in which BFFFFFFF says ‘even if’ she watched/listened to illegal recordings until you provide that post.

It may, indeed, be out there. It may have been the Plan B response once the two Bestieeeeees were alert to potential criminal implications of their wiretapping show and tell time.

But the one everyone remembers is the one posted by @omgitsme so you were kind of arguing with yourself because we were all remember, and thus referencing the one for which a screenshot actually was provided.


Thanks, Eggbutt!


That was mot directed at you. Please explain the question. Why do you think I am hot or bothered by you? I am merely asking you to stand by your words.

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:grinning: that’s because there is a level of respect and understanding of each other’s POV.

Many of these posters simply want to argue for arguments sake.


Fortunately, Eggbutt provided an unsolicited testimonial.

You’re welcome. You can now teach me everything you know about Boyd Martin and Phillip Dutton and, we’ll anyone else I need to know about. :wink:


I was just reading about Crimecon 2022 that just wrapped up in Las Vegas. They even have a CrimeCuise.
You are right that alot of people have an interest in these types of stories. I don’t know that I would want to go on a crime cruise but it is interesting to learn how these things happen and how they are solved.


Crimecon? And Crime Cruise? I mean, a cruise in which you acted out roles of a crime would be fun. A cruise where you sit around and dissect real crimes would depress me.


I think there would only be so much I could listen to before I headed to the slots if I was in Vegas.


I’m right there with you!

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So what proof has IM ever provided? You seem to believe every word he says.


I do not demand others produce posts, because I wouldn’t expect them to comply. If a post is not voluntarily provided, I often remain skeptical of the statement lacking documentation.

I believe this is what most posters do.

LK testified at the trial she owned one gun that was left in NC and had been shopping for a second but did not own it. So more shtpost SM lies.


Aren’t they Dreamy and Brave… and show good Character …


Please don’t insult English professors :). CH is the farthest thing from one. The key skill is accurate reading and analysis, and supporting an argument with references to what the text actually says. That’s why it’s good training for law.


I’ve never heard of either of those things. Who knew?


The things we’re learning in here.


Yes! They were a definite bright spot in this mess.


They had a impressive lineup of speakers. The next one is in Orlando except for the one in the UK.