Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

My quote function keeps giving me multiple copies of the quote, that I do not see until I post. I then have to go back and delete the extra copies of the quote.
I am not sure which is better, not working or working overtime.

Edit to add - I think I like this emoji. I will have to find more places to use it.


No, at least I donā€™t know.

He certainly could have refused to let her into the facility in April 2019 if she refused to sign a waiver. If he didnā€™t require the waiver as a condition of entry, I wonder what the consequence of her refusing to sign one in August would be. Could he say, on August 3 or whatever, you must vacate, or would having allowed her for months without the waiver mean he still needed to give her 30 days notice to leave?

I just donā€™t see the purpose of asking her to sign a waiver in the first week of August if he was already determined to get her out. I also donā€™t see why she would refuse to sign a garden variety waiver. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m still curious as to what was on that piece of paper.

Mine does the same thing sometimes, although I have not figured out a pattern to it. Iā€™m glad to know Iā€™m not the only one. Lol.


The prosecutor said that for attempted murder, it was not necessary to establish premeditation; a sudden impulse to attack with deadly force was enough. So they did not need audio recordings of a ā€œmurder plotā€.

If he was judged to be insane at the time of the shooting, I donā€™t see how any audio tapes from the previous days would ā€œtake that off the tableā€.

[quote=ā€œSdel, post:6834, topic:771580, full:trueā€]

And it makes me wonder if she has signed such a waiver at the new barn in FL. If not, is it because she believes it will give the BO permission to murder her? :roll_eyes:


Good point! I had not considered that possibility, but given her predilection for behavior not becoming to a ā€œgood citizenā€ of society, it wouldnā€™t surprise me.


Trying to catch up hereā€¦

That term right there jumps out as a ā€œcool story, bro.ā€

As far as LK deleting posts goes - sometimes it was done so quickly or in the midst of a lengthy exchange - that why would people think it was even necessary to do a screen capture? No one knew at the time that every word and syllable might matter to some. I was actually catching up on one of the older threads late at night quite a while ago (pre-trial) and reading a LK post (sorry, I do not have an amazing photographic memory or total recall of what it was about - as some insist we must all have All The Time) when it suddenly changed right in front of my eyes and became about half as long and no doubt a lot of the meaning had shifted as well. As I continued through that section, it was obvious that entire posts had also disappeared as I was following alongā€¦ #shrug

Silly me. I did not think that I should have raced through the threads and screen shot anything - because many months later we would be told that if there were no screen shots pertaining to a specific item, then said post must not have existed. I do not have any screen shots of anything - and I never even thought of doing that.

Well, as I have said perviously - I do not hate her. I would actually have to know her in order to work up to anything that strong. I see her as seriously flawed - as you do. Every post you make lecturing others about how they should be posting - or not posting at all - only contributes to this thread that you find so problematical.

  1. If you donā€™t understand how horrific you all are for spending all day, every day here making up scenarios to fill in the blanks that you donā€™t know because the facts havenā€™t been made public, I donā€™t think there is anything I can do to help you understand. The hate that is generated by people who donā€™t even know LK is hugely disturbing. One of you constantly tells the people who arenā€™t in love with MB and his lawyer to ā€œlet it goā€ using snowflakes - thatā€™s just so incredibly messed up. She doesnā€™t even recognize that sheā€™s the one who needs to let it go and get a life.

Hmmm. I would hope that that first sentence that mentions ALL would also apply to the posters you approve of who excel at making up scenarios and fixating on minutiae, worry at it like a pit bull and circle back to the same ā€œpetā€ complaints/theories over and over again. But I suspect they get a passā€¦ when they are contributing endless posts to something that you insist is so horrific. I do ā€œunderstandā€, thanks - and see the irony and hypocrisy here.

And voila!! - once again (predictably), we are back to that tiresome MB fangirls blanket accusation - no matter that a) it is not true for 90% of us posting occasionally and b) has been beaten to death endlessly.

So FTR, I am not a fan of MB. I also do not hate LK. I do tire of the imperious DAISANAID posts. I have followed along with this case from the beginning as if it was an episode of Dateline or 20/20 or 48 Hours. I do check in on these threads every day if possible - and sometimes (GASP) more than once. I might even post - unacceptable, I know! I also check out other threads throughout the forum - and even ones about horses. Seeing as I live on and work on a farm and do horses 24/7 and allā€¦

If these threads offend some posters, then why sail in and pour gasoline on them - only to complain about the bigger flames?


If he was plotting murder with other people, either all of them were insane or none of them were.
It was my understanding that the recordings were not from the day before the shooting, but in the weeks leading up to it.
If the recordings were a murder plot, the state might have gone for first degree attempted murder as such tapes would expose premeditation.


[quote=ā€œCurrentlyHorseless, post:6867, topic:771580, full:trueā€]

ā€œHe certainly could have refused to let her into the facility in April 2019 if she refused to sign a waiver.ā€
Get real. She would have simply flounced her way in anyway and announced, ā€œHere I am. What are you going to do about it?ā€

And didnā€™t she post that she complained (was it to the DAā€™s office?) that he (MB) had told her she wasnā€™t allowed in the barn anymore? And the person in the DAā€™s office said, ā€œHe canā€™t do that.ā€

Nope, no way Ms. Lollipop would have meekly agreed to go elsewhere if he had tried to tell her in April she wasnā€™t welcome there.

As for why he asked for the waiver in August - perhaps his attorney advised him to get the waiver, knowing that since she wasnā€™t going to go willingly, it might take some time (i.e., 30 days, etc.) to get her out. (And God knows what kind of scheme she could have cooked up in that timeframeā€¦)


Thanks @FitzE, @MorganSercu, @trubandloki and others for sticking up for me. The visciousness quite shockingā€¦ and I must admit, did give me anxiety. I need to activate my own internal ā€œignoreā€ function moving forward. I donā€™t use the boardā€™s ignore, because I enjoy hearing from all sides in all things. It helps me understand the world.

As for my mental health, yes, I have been open about suffering from anxiety and depression. And I have been honest about how others can exacerbate existing issues. Seems a bit odd that some people like to weaponize that. To each their ownā€¦ Luckily I am in a good place now and I get to go ride my horse today and rid myself of any lingering bad juju!

Have a good day!


I want to call this out as well. The screenshot that this is referring to is my screenshot. It is all one block, so both claims about the recordings are there; if you saw one, but not the other, then you were not looking very hard.

I have posted it several times over the threads.


Interesting. The ignore feature seems to be working selectively.


A recording may have convinced jurors of intent and as it turned out they did not see intent. Intent isnā€™t necessary for premeditated but it sure as heck would have shown a lack of sudden insanity.


Depression is really quite common, especially among women. Even if an anonymous poster has not ā€œsharedā€
their personal history on a public BB, addressing another poster with mockery, ascribing motives to them, and insulting their intelligence may well land on a person with challenges as significant as your own.

Hey! I thought we were supposed to be bashing LK, not each other. Get with the program!


Well, yeah. But skeptical of LK and RG.
In the vein of, innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
The nonsense and obfuscation by LK and RG is doubt.


Then, what percentage is her fault, in your opinion?


If thereā€™s a team Iā€™ll be on it only if thereā€™s really cool T shirts.


Speaking of conspiracy theoriesā€¦ā€¦remember when we (general) went on about RG putting Rosie in the house after the shooting?

When I went back and watched some of RGā€™s testimony, Mr.Schellhorn asked him several questions about that and also the second (I think) cop on the scene who was asked point blank if RG was ever out of his sight while Rosie was put in the house. His answer wasā€¦no.

Would this have been something the prosecution thought up themselves to clear up, or are they possibly reading here?


I believe it was for the mystery friend who she wanted to be allowed to ride her horses in SGF property.

Maybe the barn requires a new one each year?
Maybe the one they had on file for her went missing?*
Maybe her behavior suggested getting a new one, signed recently, would be prudent?
Why doesnā€™t change what it is.

  • she had, recently, crowed about gaining access to the officeā€¦