We had a lot of interpersonal arguing going on recently on this thread. We removed a slew of posts and encourage you to stick more to discussing the case than going at it with each other.
This is an extremely high-profile case in the industry, the aftermath of which unfolded in part right here on this site, so it’s understandable that members of the community would still be interested in discussing it.
If you’re not interested, don’t participate. You can even Mute threads on the topic (click on the little bell icon by the thread navigation slider) if you’re not interested in seeing them pop up in Latest Posts.
Conversely, if you’re interested in participating in the discussion, please do so without the cursing and insulting each other. We give a little more leeway to message sent privately, but you always have the option to add individuals to your personal Ignore list via Preferences. If a person persists in harassment via DM, you can contact us privately to address it.
For clarification purposes, there is also generally more leeway in regards to commentary on the site about public figures or limited-purpose public figures, as in this case.
So, again, let’s please refocus the discussion on the case vs. each other.