Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

So pretty much the only thing keeping the Barisone threads continually active right now is the several posters that want to defend LK and fight with the general consensus about her. I don’t know what the endgame is. If they are just personally invested in being oppositional it’s a great thread for pushing people’s buttons. If they however think they are helping LK somehow its counter productive because they are just prompting people to marshal more evidence for the consensus opinion that most of us had fully confirmed by the trial.

Without the 3 or 4 deliberately oppositional posters the chat would likely veer off into jail reform, mental health issues, etc.

I missed whatever unrolled last night :slight_smile: but what I saw of the PMs was disturbing.

Perhaps folks with similar world views are drawn to support people like LK even if they don’t know them IRL.


Meh, I’m still learning or being reminded of details…


As always, thank you for moderating these threads on all the forums! It has got to be a tricky job.


I would agree with this comment, except I think the word several is an overstatement.

I can think of one that does it a lot, with occasional assistance from one other person. And then there might be one or perhaps two others who chime in periodically.

Granted, the primary one tends to go on and on at great length, even if it is mostly around and around in endlessly repetitive circles. But the total number of posters is really quite small.

As others have said, it’s much better to just completely ignore the pot stirrers. But sometimes it’s a challenge.


I’d like to revisit something please. My brother was a proud US Marine who served in Vietnam and came back a completely different man from the innocent being he was before deployment. Even after the experience of war and losing friends, he was ALWAYS professional, clever, respectful, honest to a fault and loyal to all, especially fellow Marines. He lived “the code”. He was possibly more proud to have been a US Marine than being a father…for sure both experiences had to have been ranked a tie for him. I’ve known many Marines over the years and every single one behaves as a Marine is expected to behave…live the Code.

The emotions I felt watching RG on the witness stand slouching, disrespecting, deflecting, lying, glaring, etc ran the gamut but remained predominantly angry. There is no way this man ever served this country as a true US Marine. If somehow he did graduate from boot camp and complete his enlistment, he is a disgrace to the code. He is a complete fraud in my opinion regardless of any photograph of him in USMC dress blues.


For those of you who appreciated my previous screencap of Mr. B, here’s another one.

This was from the charge conference when MB affirmed to the judge that he agreed with B’s rejection of aggravated assault charges being added. It’s like Mr. B knew he had at least NGI in the bag and he wasn’t going to give the prosecution the satisfaction of a guilty verdict for lesser charges.


And I thought Judge Taylor’s head was going to explode while they wrangled about the concept of “diminished capacity.”


Thanks to the Mods for keeping an eye on this thread and helping to weed out the problem posters. For probably the first-time since this happened, most of us are all in agreement with how things turned out. All the speculation about whether LK is the monster some thought she was, was put to rest by LK herself and the testimony we heard at the trial. It is refreshing to be able to discuss the case showing respect to each other. We don’t need any posters continually trying to detail things.


Not to drag this thread backwards but was the refusal to sign the waiver actually brought up in the trial? Was the prosecution actually trying to tie a waiver to a murder plot or was this just a social media post from Bob?


Love this guy….


Many people here are either victims of or have had interactions with someone who acts like LK. Some here have had interactions or been victimized by LK. Most people here are learning or reminding themselves what this type of person acts like so they can be avoided in the future.
Just as we all discuss how to respond to a natural disaster, or what political issues effect us or will (have you been on CE?), Human focus on threats. People who act the way LK does on SM are threats, and thus are the subject of interest.

So I disagree, it’s not ironic.


Thank you for saying this @Einhorn you are correct. This thread is helping me - I thought I was crazy while living with a sociopath - it is reassuring to know that I am not the only person that encounter and had to deal with people like this…. My ex husband got away with it and got everything - including my health….


Mr Bilinkis questioned RC about the waivers and them refusing to sign them. Per her testimony it was RG that was super not happy about that situation.

I don’t think the prosecution ever went there and Mr Schellhorn objected a lot to the questions and answers with RC.

For reference, it’s about 50 minutes in on Day 3.


No it was not brought up. It came up in the much earlier suit against the police as it was the occasion of one of MB’s 911 calls and police attendance at the farm. His call is available. The substance of the document has not been disclosed. We deduce waiver from LK’s rant about it.


Will the hearing be delayed since MB has not been transferred for his 30 day observation yet?

According to the Facebook post of the person who organized his go fund me, she is assuming the hearing will be postponed since he will not have had 30 days at the mental health facility for an evaluation by then.


This is patently and demonstrably untrue. You responded to this post by Sdel. It’s post #1716 of the same thread. You also called the post “very inarticulate and muddled” back then which, conspiracy theories aside, I find very curious given your post above. You built your whole ‘who could possibly know what she means’ back then when both of her posts were right in front of you. You even copied @Sdel’s post in your reply (see below).

So, you WERE following in 2019, you DID see both posts and, if you understand English construction, the first one DOES establish that she heard them while the 2nd one confirms it for those thrown off by her copious grammatical mistakes.


Is that the FB post you were referring to?

Shelley starts with “even if … “. She could be saying “even if … I heard the recordings”, which would suggest that she had not heard the recordings.

She could be saying she heard the recordings. It’s very inarticulate and muddled, as posts on FB often are.

I am upgrading from my 5 lb salt block to: that’s a meaningless post; impossible to know whether she is trying to say she did or didn’t hear the recordings.

The police will have taken all the digital evidence- the hard drive on the audio recorder, the cell phones and laptops (seems likely that LK may have audio or video taken on her cell phone), and gotten access to the video recordings from the house on the cloud (if any).

How do you imagine this Shelley person would have gotten access to any recordings of any type? [/quote]


Charges don’t have to be issued for something to be illegal. I clearly articulated why I ‘think’ they are illegal. In fact, I used the term ‘thought’, so I did not ‘deem’ anything anything. I walked you through the 2 main reasons I think at least some of the recordings are illegal. You either, once again as in 2019, didn’t read the whole post or didn’t understand the English of the explanation of why I think some are illegal or just ignored it for the purposes of being snarky to me. :roll_eyes:


Honestly, I decided many years ago that the 50 pound salt block is so much more cost-effective it’s not even worth buying the five pounder.

And on these threads, the 50 pound salt block will not even last you that long.


Why do you do this? Really, why?