Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Hmmm…I imagine in the end they will prove to be agreements that aren’t actually enforceable and skirt, if not outright cross, the line of being fraudulent; kind of like with RG and the unlicensed renovation work. I imagine all the head scratching over the contracts/agreement will come out and have a very logical reason that is not in any way what LK/RG/IM, and you and others, have portrayed them as.

Why, because everything else has proven to have a logical origin and was not what it has been portrayed as…


I have not answered it again because I’ve already answered.

But here I will repeat what I’ve said before:

I do not know what was in the package sent to USEF. From these threads, I know that 1) it was extensive, and 2) that in the weeks before the shooting, MB hired a PI to provide a file on LK
and also actively reached out LKs SM enemies. I don’t believe for a minute that all that research was done in order to “find out from others how to get rid of her”, as someone claimed. I have inferred, but do not know for a fact from the size of the file and from the existence of the PI report and the contacts with the SM enemies that some of that material was included in the file.

The first couple of times that I posted on this, I tried to make clear that inference was involved by saying things like, I would have regrets if I had submitted stuff from GJ from 5 years ago, etc. to avoid incorrectly stating that I knew what was in the file.

If you believe that the contact with GJ was made in order to get her counsel on how to evict LK, as opposed to, oh, I don’t know, contacting a lawyer, and that the SM stuff from years ago was not included, well, it’s not the most preposterous thing you believe.

I have no interest trying to “give the impression I have connections”. I am connected with no one involved in this case. As I’ve said several times.

Are you just harassing me with the repeated questions?


As I said in an earlier post - NO ONE said MHG could not be discussed… it is just that you seem to be rather obsessed with her and her alleged motives in all this…

As opposed to LK plotting and being in the midst of things - Finish the bastard! - and still spilling bilge all over SM.

So no hypocrisy there - other than your own.

But then, I am the exceedingly stupid one who you obviously had to enlighten about the wondrous rocket science of copying a post and then changing parts of it to be cute… without the usual “fixed that for you” or “that sounds better” kind of disclaimer… because surely a mere lowly stall scrubber/equine pimp & midwife etc. like me could not have figured that out! :smile: As opposed to your basic rich dilettante…


So once again, you’re writing the movie in your head, to use your own terminology, and then pretending it’s a documentary based on actual facts. Got it.

And also:

Nope. :roll_eyes:


As it happens, I did just answer the question again.

However, I may decline to answer repetitive questions.

But no poster should feel obligated to answer any and all questions, especially repeated
questions, to disprove that they are “incredibly
foolish, deceitful and manipulative”.

In general, this is the kind of stuff that makes me see red. Why is it the mother’s responsibility to put ambition aside and prioritize something other than than her chosen career? Why can’t the father relocate and prioritize his partner’s ambitions?

What a crock.


I apologize for not adding the “fixed that for you”
disclaimer. People have copied and edited my posts (and left them as if a post written by me) numerous times. Would that have avoided the condemnation from FitzE and Erinmeri? Somehow I doubt it.

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Aw, CH. I’m just happy to see you finally admit you have no facts regarding the matter.

It must be exhausting to be you.


Yes, sometimes I take what facts I have and “connect the dots” to arrive at an interpretation of what happened. I try to make clear what is fact and what is inference. By doing that, I’m disclosing it’s a movie and not a documentary, contrary to your statement.

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I apologize for my not calling YOU out for your egregious behavior. Why are you calling me out? It is odd. I have done nothing to you. Please rethink your behavior. Thanks!



Cool. Point out my typo and don’t stand up to your own behavior. Curious.


You’re welcome, @Warmblood1. You hound me to answer a question I’ve already answered, on pain of being called, what was it, “incredibly foolish, and manipulative”, and when I provide the answer your response is to mock me.

Can you sorta see now why I wasn’t bothering to answer? It’s just harassment.

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My post there was a response to Smoofox, not you.

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I still think your behavior is egregious.


I’d believe you if you had only answered the question when other posters asked the same question, multiple times. Please, see for yourself, scroll up. You never admitted to not knowing what was in the USEF documents until post #7704. So yes, I think it is foolish, deceitful and manipulative to act as if you knew what was in the USEF documents when you have admitted yourself that you have no idea what the documents said or contained.

ETA: I originally asked you how you knew what was in the USEF documents in post 7476. I called your tactics foolish, deceitful and manipulative in post 7698, over 220 post later. The same question had been asked by other posters prior to post 7698. Please don’t pretend that the reason you avoided the question is because you were insulted.


By the same token, others may decline to read repetitive posts. :roll_eyes:




Contractors, engineers, architects, all can easily have “bad checks” issues go to court; issue checks to pay subcontractors, only to find out they did inferior, unlicensed, or incomplete work, they don’t respond to your repeated calls, and you put a “stop check” on the check, and they sue you in court. Doesn’t mean the contractor was wrong. There are RGs around every corner, and some accidently start to get paid, before their work is caught. MHG’s ex may very well have very legitimate reasons why someone is claiming they were written a bad check when in fact, they werent necessarily. CH of course has no experience which would inform her of such possibilities, she just repeats what she’s been told to post, ignorant of how people actually handle swindlers and con artists.


Agreed. There could be plenty of legit reasons happening. What is not cool though, is someone who has written countless posts chastising people for “trashing” the ninja and her self admitted plots was so quick to bring in a little bit of gossip not even about MHG, but about her ex, who has zero connection to this case.