Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

That is not what that post said. I have to say that I am sure pretty much everyone will agree with you on this point.
LK very much does not like being talked negatively about. LK does like to be talked about. LK likes to be the subject of conversation.
LK’s problem is that she felt her being a bully torturer would not be found out and she could just gloat about her greatness.
She also failed to read the room I guess.

Do you think it is wrong that the whole world be warned about someone who takes pleasure in torture and ruining others?

Yes!!! (It only lets me like things once, darn it.)

It barely revealed both sides. The defense was very limited on what they could present.


No! The world needs to be warned about LK and her clan. Keeping quiet about someone so vile is not the right answer. Everyone needs to be warned that this person can pretend to be civil but is not and can turn on the evil side for reasons people can not even imagine as a problem.


This is getting pretty personal y’all. I recommend moving on to prevent this thread from being closed. Just my two cents.
Regarding the recordings, is it legal for LK to air them considering they may or may not be illegal recordings?


I think we did have info that it’s illegal to disseminate illegal recordings. That’s why I’ve been asking since the beginning if 48 Hours would refuse to touch them with a ten foot pole.

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I found this via google:

Distributing Illegal Recording Or Video Consequences

If a person distributes an illegal recording or video with the knowledge that it is illegal, then they may face expensive fines and potential jail time. Laws like the Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Control Act applies to states like New Jersey and call into question the intention of the person making the recording.

When a person knows that the recording was illegal and they still choose to distribute the recording, then they are likely in violation of this act and may face criminal charges.,and%20may%20face%20criminal%20charges.


@FitzE, but didn’t the all knowing IM say that it would take them five minutes for their lawyer to get that all fixed?


You can stop any time you want.


Yep! Just do the math.

MHG had 8 horses there that she was not paying board on (per her testimony). Some were probably babies out with the others. I don’t know if she was being paid to teach and ride—the lawyers never asked.

RC owned one horse with MB and another with MHG. She did testify that she paid board for those—maybe 1/2 board? So that would add up to another one taking up a stall with no income.

I’m wondering if the working student position included free board for a horse? JH testified that there were sometimes as many as 8 working students. (I know that working students are worth their weight in gold, but they are also getting experience and training worth its weight in gold!)

LK had 2-3 “extra” horses. Who knows how many MB owned?

You are talking about half the 25 stall barn not generating board income—yikes!


The phrase “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes” comes to mind…


I agree totally…in a perfect world. As I’ve said before as long as Lauren Kanarek posts disgusting lies and threats on any public forum, she is fair game. Rather than getting the help she needs she continues her attacks.
Don’t even mention “victim shaming” to any of us. This woman is no victim other than the victim of her own diabolical actions. Period.

You are not required to visit this forum and judge others, are you?


True, by her track record, she prefers to be the one doing the trashing.


I found it. Strange that none of this greatness (recording of the plot) was part of the trial.


I was simply absorbed by all the greatness. Ooooh. Aaaahhhh.


You’re guessing about this.


:rofl: I wonder if that “extremely experienced criminal lawyer” was the bumbling ED, who obviously had no idea he had been recorded by the pet dog of his actual client!?!

The Kanareks go through attorneys like the rest of us go through toilet paper. I wonder if they pay the bill before moving on to another attorney?


Of course I’m aware that “whilst” is correct English. It seemed surprising in a post by Erinmeri, who has generally written in American English. It just sounded like the British English you use.

You’re still mocking me for quoting “post hoc, ergo propter hoc” incorrectly? Yes, I garbled the expression once. So what? But I acknowledge both you and @DreadPirateRoberts have more mastery of Latin than I. Where has DreadPirateRoberts been lately?

They have been around liking things. Do they not like your posts?


LOL. It was the post of Erinmeri that you hadn’t read. My post was the one word, “Whilst?”

Erinmeri generally writes in standard American English, and I was surprised to see the British version of the word in her post.


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Yeah, I got it way before you posted (again!).

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well, it is about time for a new one for easier navigation - should the civil trial start anytime soon.
we might have trouble remembering what the internet is by the time it sees a jury. If ever.