Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity



No, I shouldn’t think anyone would.

But it was months ago that she was taunting about hiring a top law firm and simultaneously attacking SS on that thread. The one thing we do know is she always signals her intentions. Whatever the posting equivalent of a poker face is (impulse control?) she does not have it.

We know that a big firm is not repping her in the civil case, so, unless she’s lying (again, which, given is highly likely at all times) a BigLaw firm has been engaged for something. I just hope it isn’t a frivolous suit against SS b/c that organisation has limited resources and a really important job to do. They don’t need or deserve the distraction in this case.


Some of people take naps between rides during the day. Others live in other time zones.

No! That can not be. Tell me it is not so that LK does not really know the meaning in a legal sense of what she is saying.
You mean, like, just one example, attorney/client privilege?


Wasn’t it revealed in a post somewhere that she has a relative (brother-in-law?) that works for BBCLF (Big Blue Chip Law Firm)? And that is how she manages to have BBCLF “on speed dial”?

As for discrimination - she may feel SS discriminated against her because it declined to consider her allegations of being bullied. How many times has she ranted about being “bullied by a 6’3” male"?
She is a female (protected class), yet SS wasn’t interested because she wasn’t a minor. With the way her mind works, I can totally see how she believes that her “rights” as a female were ignored and that being “female” should trump “not being a minor” in the eyes of SS. IOW, because she was an adult female, SS elected to allow an adult male to get away with “bullying” her - ergo, discrimination. :upside_down_face:


With all due respect, may I suggest T5GBCLF - since top 5 and global (NOT national, we were admonished!) was a big part of the brag? :rofl:

You are right, she has a relative at a BigLaw firm. It is totally respectable and has decent name recognition, but it is nowhere near T5G status. This is not to disparage that firm in any way; it’s just an accurate report of the league tables and other rankings. When someone told me which firm I looked at several rankings across different jurisdictions and disciplines and couldn’t get it much higher than the low 30s on any list.

Which, again, is no slight - it’s a good firm. It’s just not even close to top 5 globally (or, ironically, nationally).


Methinks the K’s are probably praying that RG and LK never split up. Those two know way too much about each other and things could get quite interesting if they became angry enough at each other to spill their guts (figuratively, of course). I wonder though if at some point, Mr. ex-Marine is going to get bored with his junkie-thin malignant narcissist girlfriend (she of the false boobs, false eyelashes, false assessment of her own riding abilities, false interpretation of reality, etc.). It is going take quite a bit of “encouragement” from the K’s to persuade RG to keep his mouth shut. They may have to up his stipend.


I don’t really care to discuss her physical appearance since that’s a bit petty, but re RG, he could be totally into it and actually like his lifestyle. Who knows. Birds of a feather and all that.


Generally speaking, men are not fans of how women age. Many seek younger, riper fruit.


But he’d be hard pressed to find one that has an endless bucket of money available, and totally enabling parents, he’s also no prize himself now (might’ve been back in the day though).


So, discussing USEF and discrimination appears to have struck a nerve. Shall we discuss it further?

Lauren already broke at least one rule by trashing judges, how many other rules do we think she’s ignored?


I have noticed that several posts in the last day or two, from certain “non-connected” posters, almost seem to be talking about investigations from SS, USEF, and USDF as if they are happening currently, for actions taken over two years ago, instead of as if they were closed and done with near the time of the shooting as one would have expected them to have been done.


Do you think these are new investigations started now that the trial is over? MHG, GJ and others who submitted information to USEF may finally have gotten their attention? Or do you think USEF and SS are looking at MB’s case? Perhaps both.


Let’s hope so.

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I would hope MHG has unleashed the kraken against her abuser with USEF.


What will happen to Mb’s SS status now that he was acquitted?

Once he is released I’m sure they will seek reinstatement.


Darn, me too.
Hopefully now they will look at the paper work she sent in. The current online presence of the person sure does help MHG’s case I would think.


Does anyone recall any previous cases where the USEF or SS has suspended anyone for similar behavior? I do not, but that does not mean it hasn’t happened.


This is a great post. Thank you for this.

It seems with the timing of the trial being over, the comments LK has made on YT and with KK here to save all of our souls and create a distraction, something is definitely happening behind the scenes that the K’s are particularly crazy about. If they had anything to gloat about, be sure they would.


The closest I can recall is banning SW.