Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Perhaps both. I don’t think it can be overlooked that MHG has her own connections to USDF/USEF and she probably has her own sponsorships and horse’s half owners to worry about/protect. I suspect LK’s commentary on the Robert McDonald threads wasn’t due to random or idle interest so there is probably some connection there given MHG’s recent GP debut.


it would be worse than any ‘made for TV’ movie.
But play out on COPS quite possibly…

I’d solidly say yes it has to do with MHG.


I was only vaguely aware of that. She was not even a member, was she? But did they suspend or ban her anyway so that she could not set foot on any competition grounds?

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That is what I have gathered.

who’s SW?

the glossary for these threads would take up a few pages…


I read Ronald McDonald and was trying to figure out where McDonald’s played in :joy:


Susan W…something of Dressage Hub.

Susan Wachowich

Oh…not an actual player in this epic epos in several parts.

No, just a tangent in the discussion about whether someone can be suspended by USEF for bad behavior that is not actually directly related to a horse or a competition.

Although apparently LK and SW have a long history of conflict between them. So it would be interesting if they were both suspended by USEF on similar grounds.


Well, what horse person does not stop at McDonald’s on the regular between the barn and the house or the horse show? Lol.


I have to check myself every time I think about it….did I use the right name….



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Feeling clueless, why is this ironic?


IIRC, SW was specifically banned from the show grounds—the dressage equivalent to Welly World—down in Wellington. (Whatever it’s called).

So I guess show management can do that.

I don’t know if she was ever a USEF member.

I did not interpret her comments in the SS thread as saying she intended to sue or attack SS.

Not entirely a tangent. SW early on posted that she approved of MB shooting LK.

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MB hits 50 in 2015 and starts a relationship with MHG, despite being married to a woman closer to his age?

Tasteless of KM to refer to MHG as “younger, riper fruit”. s/

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Well, lots of people post stupid things. As we know all too well here. :roll_eyes: