Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Me. I’ve never stopped at McDonalds between the barn and my house, much less on the regular.

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How nice for you.


Re bolded: Well, I agree with you there.

Even COTHers on the MB treads dedicated to bashing LK mostly condemned SW for outright approving the act of MB shooting LK.

You’re not being nasty and snarky with me. It’s disorienting.

ETA. Mild snark from MHM returns within seconds. Disorientation is gone!

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But no one was denying that MB had a young girlfriend, where they? That conversation was about LK and her boyfriend/fiancé/groom/chauffer.

I am guessing even MHG might call herself younger, riper fruit. Who knows.


Just explaining why I found it ironic. “Ironic” was the polite term. You were using for snark fodder the age difference between LK and RG, all the while there’s a bigger age difference between MB and MHG.

I give credit to MHG for being an accomplished, dedicated rider, and don’t assume that her youth and beauty are her main attributes as a human being. I think it’s insulting to both MB and MHG to imply that that he divorced Vera because he preferred “younger, riper fruit”. It was meant to be insulting when originally applied to RG/ LK, right?

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Susan has never been a USEF member which makes USEF’S sanction against her more strange. They have no authority over private citizens. She has not been deterred and has a slew of employees (quite happy employees I might add) who report back to her.

But, yes, a specific show management can restrict access to individuals.

Keep in mind many of the movers and shakers in Wellington are also decision influencers at TIEC.

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Yes, Susan Wachowich/Dressage Hub is a huge supporter of Michael and his associates. Is that against the law now?


I believe the USEF can bar anybody from competition grounds, whether or not they are members.

That came up some years ago when a member was suspended, and tried to claim that if he canceled his membership, then the suspension wouldn’t apply to him.

I don’t recall off the top of my head if there was a court case involved or not, but I think eventually it was decided that they could bar anybody from the grounds of recognized competitions, regardless of membership status.

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Lol Someone has made a lovely donation to MB under Kurbside Rek


This is the law firm her relative works at.

:heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :rofl: :kissing_heart: :heartbeat:


I would have to go back and re-read but I do not think anyone was talking about the age difference between LK and RG. They were talking about RG hanging around or gong off and finding something younger.

You must have missed the many times this has been said in the various threads, MB and his X-wife were done before MHG came along. There was even a different girlfriend before MHG. So MHG might truly be younger, riper fruit, that younger riper fruit is not why he got divorced.

I am old wrinkled fruit, but I would not have been insulted by that term.


No, it was not meant to be insulting when originally applied to LK/RG? Thanks for clarifying.

No, acquiring “strange bedfellows” is not against the law.

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I would be insulted if my desirability as a potential mate was reduced to my being “younger, riper fruit”. I don’t define myself based on my age, and would find it hugely demeaning if someone referred to me that way.

That was horrific. SW is definitely on the “who does that?” train.


I guess that just shows that some people are good at being offended. Each to their own.

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I am also behind but OMG this takes the cake! Reading exchanges between old Bob and LK is beyond anything yet.

We be witnessing some serious cray cray heah.


I’m late to the “what kind of dog is Rosie” conversation, but she looks 100% identical to GSD/Doberman crosses I’ve owned and known. 100%. Would def be interesting to see her DNA profile.