Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I agree it would be tasteless were I talking about MB. But I wasn’t as evidenced by the words “generally speaking”.


Nope. Wrong yet again.

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If it’s a “general statement”, why doesn’t it apply to MB?

What time do you give the keyboard back to Kirby? I don’t want to miss it.




Looking at the ages of Vera, MHG and the new lady I just didn’t see him that way. And given I’m older than my own significant other it takes like a BIG difference to catch my attention and that often happens with 70ish men with 25 yr old girlfriends.

But whatever.

Edited to change initials MHM to MHG



Excuse me?

I don’t even know these people! Lol.



How should I interpret this?

She’s talking about sharing a keyboard, but I think she’s accusing me of posting under Seeker1. (I’m not.)

Doesn’t even make sense.

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LOL oopsie. Typotyme! I meant MHG!



I am not going to diagram the sentence like I learned to do in seventh grade, I don’t remember all that.

But I do appreciate your faith in my reading skills. Thank you.

I read it to mean:
What time (hour is probably good enough, minutes are not necessary) do you (as in you yourself) give (freely transfer the possession of) the keyboard (a panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter) back to (a return to an earlier condition) Kirby? I (Sparky) don’t want to miss it (they are looking forward to the keyboard transfer).

Did that help?


I was talking to my friend about this case and she asked about the chokeholds and what type they were. She mentioned 2 that military and police are trained in. Apparently one can cause neurological damage and people who have had one used on them can have memory loss, ptsd and even suicidal thoughts.
I do not remember any questions asked about the type used or if damage from it was reported in MB’s injuries. It is very concerning on top of already having mental health issues and most likely limited health care while incarcerated.

My friend said that many of the deaths that have been caused by police use of these chokeholds have brought to light how dangerous they can be and in non-fatal chokeholds, the long term damage they cause.


I know what it means literally.

Is she implying that I am posting sometimes as Seeker1 and sometimes as CH? That’s what I asked you before.



No, you asked me “How should I interpret this?”. I answered that.

If you read my answer to the question that you actually asked it seems to answer the other question that you implied but did not ask.


Oh i am here.

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As I’ve declared in the past, there is no doubt in my mind Robert Guy Goodwin intended, and would have killed Michael Barisone if Police Officer Heymer had not arrived when he did. It is highly likely the severe injuries to Michael’s head, face and neck caused by Lauren and Rob, led to his memory loss.


Hi eggies!

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If someone was shooting at you eggmeister…you might get mad.

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See now you’re just making it obvious.



OK. But if you’re being uber literal about “sharing a keyboard”, that indicates that I am (supposedly) in the same house as KK and she and I are posting under our own screen names, but passing a physical keyboard back and forth.

If I lived in the same house as KK (I don’t), I would have multiple keyboards of my own and would not be sharing. Who does that?

Am I being accused of being JK?

ETA Am I accused of being LK? LOL.