Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

BIG WOOPS!! I THOUGHT THE POST WAS ABOUT LK! There is no chance in h@ll MHG will be banned!


what for?
it was not her admitting to drug use and lying on the stand.

I wish her a long and successful career. After all the best revenge is living well.

And that other one? Would she even notice?


“I, as a single anonymous poster on a single BB, have made the point that MHG played a role in creating the incendiary situation that led to the shooting, and said that I think MHG may regret having sent her 750 page file against LK to USDF, but I’m not LK and have no connection to the Kanareks.”

How do you know she played a role? LK’s word? IM’s word? Do you have actual evidence to prove that claim?
Why would anyone regret filling a report? MHG wasn’t present at the scene of the crime, it’s not like she filled a complaint and then went and shot LK.
So is it the alleged murder plotting tapes that are your basis? The fact she wanted a woman with suboxone in her trash off the property? What was her role?


:no_entry_sign: :dash: :no_entry_sign:


Why would MHG regret sending the report?


having LK and her goon squad on her case.
you know, intimidation, extortion, blackmail, sabotage
or worse.


She wouldn’t and I’m just about positive that she doesn’t!

Want me to ask her?


This works if you insert it in the middle. Such as MB was being beaten, they went in to clean up/LK was calling someone about what to do now (one of her 4 phone calls that day/why ED called RG) and when they came back out MB had managed to come to and had the gun and shot LK as they came out the door. Even explains a couple of inconsistencies about the testimony and police reports. And maybe why JK called 911 looking to see if it was true, since if LK had called anyone about having beaten/killed MB it would have been him


I’ve explained that several times and don’t wish to repeat myself further. If MHG does not regret sending it, she doesn’t need to worry.

Posters here (not you) keep referring the LK or her family ‘trying to ruin MHG’.

I see no evidence that LK “is trying to ruin” MHG.

To those who keep saying “LK has a plan to ruin MHG”, please say concretely what she supposedly is doing, since the trial, or even what she conceivably could do, to try to “ruin MHG”.

If there are no concrete steps LK or family is taking to “attempt to ruin MHG”, repeating that is just another lie intended to smear, and perhaps “ruin” LK.

IM specifically said the goal was to keep MHG from achieving her goals, for one. This was in one of the “how dare MB not favor LK above all others with his attention” posts.


selling, not telling. Insertion of random overshare detail
.both tells that someone is probably lying. Oh, and a nice convenient choice of words designed to make someone think somebody said one thing when I’m reality they said nothing of the sort
.that being one of LK’s hallmarks.

One of YD’s posts:

IM’s first post:

CH’s first post (YD was banned in July ‘21):

So, another show of likes, who here believes CH is not some random poster that is completely unconnected to the case?

ETA: YD made a lot of Linked In at the end, and Linked in is how they got banned with J-Lu. One of LK’s sisters is a head-hunter for bio-medical tech companies
which is J-Lu’s field, and has a Linked in account and surely knows their way around that platform and educational resume
.and LK went right after J-Lu the one time she dipped her toe into a MB thread. Kind of how like CH went right after FitzE from the beginning without obvious historical reason


Let me see if I have this correct

You think they were talking by table (phone set down), it went south, they attacked him, he got bit in scuffle, RG choked him out, they went inside to come up w the next move, turned off camera, called dad, called Ed, ED calls back, LK goes back outside, MB wakes up, LK got shot, she yells don’t come out, RG comes out goes nuts, 911 call
 is that how you think it went down?

That does make a bit more sense then what I was thinking


And clearly, if IM said it, it must be true, at least per the person questioning you about this.


More or less. Keep in mind, projection, LK herself said MB would “kill them”, take the cameras, and then claim “self defense”.


one should come out quickly of the choke unconsciousness.
If not, 1st aid is needed.

There is a lot of fishy stuff going on, I mean ‘it’s all recorded’ then suddenly the cameras were shut off?
After they had been taken away and the cloud cleaned?
where the cameras presented even the ones in question, and the cloud account the one that was used?
The ED call does sound like a staged event, but that would make it 4 shots if he really did not hear the actual event.

just to clarify: I do strongly believe that the Dynamic Duo initiated the confrontation.


The box of bullets in the safe is also fishy. According to RC, MB wouldn’t have needed to buy bullets for her gun. They were already in the magazines. One full and one empty or almost empty. She said it wasn’t her box, and MB had no other 9mm on property. There also was no mention as to what type they were or a exactly how many were missing, just that it was open to a certain row

implying MB had used it to fill the magazines

but we only had two casings which lines up to what RC said.


which in turn gets me back to the nearly empty magazine: Nobody keeps one with just 2 or 3 bullets. You might leave it empty (cos the spring in the bottom, I wonder if they get compromised over time when kept loaded to capacity at all times) but you never keep just a couple in there.
Mostly because when it counts you have no time to reload. And an empty gun is more dangerous than a loaded one - for you!
where did those other bullets go? Or were they removed as a margin of safety?


On the diagram of the scene, does anyone know what the odd shaped item is on the drivers side of the dually truck? I wasn’t able to read the label.

Had RC been at the gun range, and used all but those two bullets in that magazine? Do people do that at a gun range?
She had no extra bullets so she couldn’t reload it right there, and planned to do so when she got home?
And she didn’t empty the magazine because, well, what good is the gun on her trip home if the magazine is empty?


IM did not specifically say that “the goal was to keep MHG from achieving her goals.”

You’re misrepresenting what he actually said.

Anyway, my question was asking what LK or her family could do in practice, or have done, to effectuate such a goal. Not that they have ever said that is their goal.