Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Another fishy thing is the search for hollow points


Obviously they could try USEF or SS. Or resort to old tactics like using SM as a weapon.
Edit: that said, MHG has a good reputation and I don’t see her as the type to take stock in SM. I don’t think any of their tactics are going to work in the way they would like unless they have absolute, concrete proof of some wrongdoing.


When you do range time, you shoot.
unlike riding when you end on a high note, you don’t just quit and leave 3 bullets in the clip.

As I said, an empty gun gets you hurt!
This is bugging me, has been bugging me, and will continue to do so! It’s not sensical at all!
RC would have reloaded for the trip because without bullets a gun is a paperweight.
Or a blunt object at best.


The search was for “exploding” bullets not hollow points.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

wtf would that be, besides a dumdum that has been outlawed by the Geneva Convention since WWI, I believe!


Interestingly it was IM who said that SS was monitoring the thread, suggested they knew our identities (or would get them/coincidence that someone told YD that SS will indeed monitor SM forums in the McDonald thread?) and the massive fixation on MHG and Eggbutt as a known contact of MHG

with the YD suggestion, around the same time IM started posting, that LK’s attorney’s were monitoring the forums because of Eggbutt’s MHG connections and implying it was at the direction of MB


If you watch RCs testimony at the trial she says that the gun and the cartridge would have only been partly full. She is Specifuc about this and it does not contradict the physical evidence.

RC is a sport target shooter who states she carries a gun in the truck when traveling back roads even if its technically illegal in some places. I do not have any exposure to guns or gun culture but I can imagine a gun becoming a safety item you feel lost without. For me, I’ve always needed my wallet and credit cards with me, and in the past 15 years my cell phone, even if I don’t intend to use either that day. I can totally see a gun being similar once you adapt to gun culture. You have it with no real anticipation of using it.

Anyhow, RC testified about tge bullets and cartridges so whatever we might think is the reasonable way to deal with a gun, she told us what she actually did.

I think in some places you are supposed to transport a gun empty and only load it in the shooting range.


Doesn’t she have multiple personalities? Perhaps she was referring to them


Additionally, for most people who feel this way, the idea of leaving your gun unloaded tends to defeat the purpose of carrying it around for safety purposes.


fair enough.
In certain areas there is definitely an idea that the bacon could jump out of the cooler

ok, now one thing solved (still irking me, but her gun her bullets
) I guess the full magazine is not the sticking point?

Alas, shotty forensics will prevent us from ever knowing the real truth.


Without sounding snarky
seriously, I’m curious what difference it makes at this point? I truly, holy heck understand the extreme desire to comprehend exactly what happened that day and even the two days leading up to “that day”, but we will never, ever know what happened. I keep going back to the Kennedy assassination and the witnesses who swear they saw smoke and think they heard shots from “the grassy knoll” and after years and years of speculation and research we are no further in solving the actual facts of that event, so we have to choke and move forward.

Heck, I’m still hung up on Heymer saying he search Michael and didn’t find anything but the 2nd cop searched him later and found the full magazine. Again, without forensic testing done on anything, we all speculate on who did what. It’s crazy.

To me the absolute irony would be the ultra slim chance Lauren is telling the truth about the shooting but no one will believe her because of her propensity to lie, but moreso because the cops failed everyone, and I mean EVERYONE with their incompetence to perform the basic, elementary evidence tests.

Those of a certain age will remember Sgt Friday saying, “Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts”. We don’t have or know the facts of anything except the reams of documents.


I was afraid to search for “exploding” bullets after hearing it discussed in the trial but finally got my nerve up. They are designed to blow up in the weapon, ruining the weapon and injuring or killing the shooter.

Dum-dums and hollow points are similar and both are called expanding bullets. They cause greater injury by expanding on impact.

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While all this may be true, we have testimony from RC that she was driving with an almost empty gun and partly full extra cartridge. Whether this was smart or not I don’t know. But she testified to this under oath. So we have to accept that she did this. There is no point speculating if the gun was full or arguing that it should have been full.

My comparison to the wallet was that you might bring a gun every where by habit but not seriously for safety in the moment if it’s in a case in the back seat and not exactly accessible when you get run off the road by bandits in the backroads Carolina hills or whatever.

Anyhow though there is no point going down this rabbit hole of why carry gun? Etc because RC told us the situation.


Malarkey. If there were threatened students or anyone who had been threatened by Barisone they would have been marched in front and center of Taylor’s courtroom. Funny thing is 48 Hours hasn’t been able to come up with all those mysterious people either. I think “someone” is being gullible again and grasping for straws in the hay!

But bottom line, if there was so dang much fear, why did sweet, precious, innocent Lauren stick around? I wonder exactly what faults @seeker1 will admit to darling daughter having?


I do like to get around!!

Remember when I sarcastically posted thousands and thousands of posts ago that I was hiding in the back of Barisone’s dually and saw it all happen and Lauren had a complete conniption fit for days because she misread the post and thought I was serious!!! That was a real hoot! It really is a shame I haven’t done everything I’m accused of doing!

Before everyone gets their undies twisted (is that phrase flaggable?) I haven’t spoken to MHG in many YEARS!


Why aren’t you in the scene diagram? :blush: Perhaps someone with graphic skills can add you in!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’ll contact Taylor & Schellhorn and complain! Didn’t Lauren say she was going to report some people to Taylor? And he would do what?


General question.

At this moment it appears suits and counter suits are moving forward.

If team LK decides that their suit is a lost cause and withdraws, would the entities counter suing her, SGF and MB, be able to continue suing her? Would they be able to launch freestanding suits and win? Or would the best idea be to let it drop? I suspect the latter.

I do look forward to the lawsuit. It should be a real circus.

I would predict that if team LK start to consider withdrawing the lawsuit, that LK and her sock puppets and avatars will increase the SM libel/slander until someone gets a cease and desist order.


I bet they both will be happy if they never hear this case mentioned again.


Can any legal experts exp!ain how the mediation process works in a civil case? Is it done at the time of the court hearing or do they work on that prior to the hearing?