Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yes…so where is the previous post detailing what people misunderstood? News flash: it’s not there…


I could not find it either. So it is hiding from both of us.

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In the cloud, of course.


OK, if there were no posts of IMs that escaped being QFPed, how did he manage to delete the post without leaving a record?

That could be an interesting conversation!

“Well, sir, there’s this farm in NJ. It’s a horse farm. Back in 2019 it was owned by different people than the current owners. The current owners have nothing to do with this story.

“It was August 7, 2019…………


Oh please…You have been around enough to know that answer.

If a post is deleted is leaves something for 24 hours and then it vanishes.

See post below that I posted and deleted.


Maybe it was to understand some dumb sm discussion similar to this one.

I’m not saying he made a post “detailing” what people misunderstood, just a post in which he clarified that he was not saying that he expected criminal charges against MHG, just that he thought there would be consequences of some form which led him to think it was unlikely she would ever represent the US in international competition.


I believe her and Rob. I don’t expect the details to be perfect. Too much trauma.

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Yes, the original post disappears, but if it has been quoted for posterity, as all IMs posts were, the QFPed version would remain.

I haven’t seen the diagram in a while, but there was something stacked on a pallet that was wrapped in white plastic—tile maybe—that was on the patio close to the driver’s side door of the dually. Is that what you saw? Or was it something on the truck?


Except you posted that you ran into her not long ago. Which is it? Have you seen her recently or not? Today you haven’t/not long ago you have/friends of the family/all from North Carolina.

Mediation doesn’t typically happen in a case like this. Typically, it’s used for simpler disputes. For example, two parents both want the kids for Christmas. They go in with a mediator, each one lays out why they want the kids for Christmas and the mediator helps them come to some sort of compromise.

There’s been no order for mediation in this case (yet). I think the confusion comes because there’s a case management conference scheduled for early October that is set in front of a “judge mediator” instead of the judge of record on this case.

The purpose of the hearing is “ a schedule for the completion of expert discovery will be set.”

Does that help?


That was probably it. Thank you. Do you remember anything said about a trash receptacle in the area? Unless they used one at the barn I was surprised that nothing was mentioned about one IIRC.
I would have thought a construction area would have had one but maybe not.


Yes! Thank you!


How would you know? She said she called to report bullying and during the conversation was asked if minor children were onsite.

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Last I checked, seeing someone is not the same as talking to them… right?

I see lots of people at the grocery store and I intentionally avoid them just so I do not have to talk to them.


IM only said that when all the facts were out and tapes etc that MHG would look very bad. So far, nothing has happened to do that. He never said anyone was planning on ruining MHG. He said her actions reflected badly. Nothing has come out to show that.

Now plotting to get someone to leave a premise and talking about “getting rid of her” or other statements could sound very innocent and may have been meant innocently but after being shot, could appear very sinister. I don’t blame LK or anyone affiliated with LK to see comments in the worst light.

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You’re welcome!