Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity



Oh, your reading comprehension again


I posted this yesterday. Then I believe @Sdel posted some more. LaLa’s own words, again.

I think the bold part is relevant.

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Yes and you do too. “Kernel of truth.”

No I don’t remember anything about a trash receptacle. Do you think she disposed of her Suboxone in a trash can at the barn? That would be crazy!


You people are way too much! Yes indeed, I ran into MHG at the Hunt Horse Complex, Raleigh, NC sometime the summer of 2017-18 thereabouts. I don’t keep notes like that in my diary :grinning: Full disclosure she was there coaching her college roommate. We spoke face-to-face outside Barn E for probably 15 minutes. See @hut-ho78, it really, really is easier to tell the truth rather than keeping up with lies
but you keep trying to find a “gotcha” on me? Mkay?

Oh yeah, I also communicated with her about 4 months ago about her mom. Any more questions?


I thought if there was one at the house that it would have been searched or mentioned by the police but I did not see one on the diagram.


I think if RG were to think about taking someone up on the payout option it would have to include enough money to relocate.


Hey - are drug addicts (former or current) a protected class?

If they are, do they have to disclose it before someone agrees to their presence?


Rumor has it that he takes off and disappears occasionally. Maybe he has a place to lay low.


Yeah, No! It was raining


Dang, raise your hand if you wouldn’t want this woman off your property! Let’s wait for the two :raised_hand: to raise, shall we?


Maybe that’s the real reason she has the apartment since she apparently doesn’t drive. If he’s gone AWOL, she can’t get around
well, maybe Uber? đŸ€·


LK said on the stand, under oath, that she lies. How do you decide when she is telling the truth and when she is not?


Because I know a bit more about LK than the average poster I lean more towards it being a lie.
I was a victim of a crime. It was traumatic and I blocked out significant chunks of it. But what I remember, I remember every time. It’s been over a decade and I can still vividly recall the details my brain couldn’t block out.
Obviously people react to trauma differently.


FL is a two-party consent state, which means all parties have to consent to being recorded. Violation of that law is a class 3 felony in FL.

Video is cool for security/surveillance, but audio, not unless everyone consents unless said conversation is taking place where there is no expectation of privacy, and we just saw how someone can twist that in NJ.


I’m thinking they simply believe everything she says, similar to many folks who believe everything FoxEntertainment promotes. Blind allegiance? The strange thing to me is I guarantee these people have never met LK in their lives!


Digging through my screenshots from IM for the post and came about this one. It was very interesting considering the recent admissions​:grin::grin:


I’ll let everyone judge for themself what IM’s phraseology means.

The above was in a response to Eggbutt. Funny enough, she doesn’t allude to criminal liability in the post IM was responding too


If there is mediation, the parties submit a mediation statement that is a confidential version of their side. That’s prior to the actual mediation. Some mediators start with all parties in the room and let each one tell their story. Other mediators put parties in separate rooms. Either way, they end up separated. Then, the mediator goes back and forth between the parties and talks with them. Often just letting them be heard helps.

I think of a mediation as compromise. If neither party wants to compromise, it’s a waste of time. I know of one case where one attorney made a compromise offer, the other refused and wouldn’t even discuss it. That’s annoying and expensive.

@ekat, I do know of mediations that were quite complex and involved millions. Different situations fit mediation better than some.

I am not sure this situation is right for mediation and I don’t know if NJ courts require it before they will conduct a trial. Generally, discovery is mostly, if not all, complete, before a mediation is held.

More than you ever wanted to know about mediation.