Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

If you were doing fine with your life you wouldnt be on here doing this. Successful people are fully engaged with their dreams and goals… looking at positives…being kind…helping others…trying to become the best versions of themselves… Im only here for a specific reason…my family. My daughter…with all her faults, was almost murdered by a crazy man and you guys are lauding and admiring his every action and supporting him. This is despicable.

I personally dont care if you all viciously gossip yourselves into oblivion. However, if it is done publicly and hurts my family…i will fight back. Perhaps there is nothing i can do in reality…but i know that your relentless harassment has bad karma. May you go in peace and think seriously about your actions here. I will pray for you to find success in your life. And yes i have the same prayers for Lauren.

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I would stop defending my daughter and family on social media. I would certainly not address this forum, and leave. Someday you are going to look at what you wrote here and realize how foolish you sounded. Not because of the opinions you have. Because of the manner you used, the defense of your family without knowing the facts, the mixed up statements, the foolish attempts at using religiosity to elevate yourself morally above people who you couldn’t argue facts with. The attempts at using religion to shame people. That’s really low. Just go.


You know who i am eggie…as long as you are here i will be too.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You really can’t stop can you? You asked what you should do. Several of us responded. What do you do? You come at me again!! Have fun, Kirby. You do not exist to me. You are now officially on my Ignore/Mute list, which means I won’t see your sad posts.


If this is so, why are you here? A bit contradictory.
Maybe spend your good thoughts and prayers on your family - not us.
My dreams and goals are just fine… And my family are just fine, successful and making a difference in life, doing good works… and not a single scandal, not one …


that’s a good idea, I’'m glad. I’m going to keep her out of my sightline too. Such a nasty self rightousness. I hate shamers and blamers.


My parents are both deceased… dad was in ww2 , was captured and almost died in prison camp. Mom was beauty queen in mensa. They would be horrified. Does it make you feel better to dehumanize me eggies. To help you justify your visciousness?

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That is the last thing you would do bigmama1…

Can anyone say just how to put someone on ignore? LOL haven’t done it before on this forum

I can always see you all…you can run butt you cant hide

Sound like you have had these kind of scrapes before ambitious kate

Go to your profile (click your “circle”), select Preferences, select Users, add to ignore and muted lists and don’t forget to save.


In your profile click on preferences and then users and add the annoying person and choose how long you want to ignore them for

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You cant mute everyone

That’s really creepy and eerily similar to an LK comment


Now i see ive struck a sore spot

Many people will react to harassment the same way.

Peace be with all of you.

We have several lawyers active on this forum as well as several educators. Do we have any mental health experts?