Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

This is free speech right Sandie?

Sandie it is not what i think.

Perhaps spend those prayers on yourself and family… We all on this forum seem to be doing fine with our lives…


Going back to if LK had taken ‘action’ against MHG….well, I would like to refer back to the following:

The first link is to a Dec ‘19 CotH article in which LK says that USEF is actively investigating those who threatened her dressage career. Those is plural, and considering the timing of the article, it can be concluded that means MHG is included. In fact, that is supported by the testimony from the prosecution that MHG mailed the 750 pg pkt to USEF.

The other one seems to imply what exactly was the nature of the complaints LK filed.


I find it fascinating whenever I or several others post something that is too close to the truth the Kanarek’s don’t want known, the vile attacks and lies begin. What a coincidence! Let’s review and see what the major topics have been over the past 24 hours. It’s also interesting that I actually haven’t posted much the past few days, but it is convenient to use me as a representative for all posts. Bring it on. The Illegal Mob can take the heat.


Recap of today’s discussion:

Much discussion about LK’s complaint to SS.
More discussion about IM, LK, and their language regarding MHG
Minor discussion re: crime scene, RC’s testimony re: her gun and bullets, and RG
Minor discussion re: civil trial procedures

SQUIRREL. Bright Shiny thing over here! Somebody’s harassing someone….


Another very important observation - every single time Rosie the dog is mentioned, panic posts begin! What is it about Rosie that causes such quick and intense reaction?


I am not worried about anyone or panicked about anything. I am merely asking you to stop. Lauren almost died…
came within an inch of her life. Isnt that alone enough punishment for stupid things she may have said online or in private texts to her dad that she admitted were inappropriate? Many people knew about michaels volatility prior to her training engagement with him… Apparently, It was common knowledge. It was posted in this very publication (chronicle of the horse). Yet no one told her or our family about this state of affairs. Now we are where we are. Dont you think enough is enough? Do you want to keep this up? I have had way way more than my share of nonsense with this. I have tried everything i can to dissuade you and your buddies in kind, funny, childish, factual, even religious ways. What would you suggest is a good next step? What would u do if you were me? I personally cant change anyone but myself here. So if your standard answer is for me to change my daughter…
I guess you can see how ineffective that would be… what is it you want from me?


Perhaps reread what I wrote, then try again.
ETA: it clearly says I lean toward it being a lie and that people process trauma differently.


Omg…you have a lot of posts…Which one of them pray tell.

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sure. whatever.
I thought Heymer was the hero, actually rendering first aid


The one you replied to by saying I knew who was right and who was wrong.

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Perhaps you and your family should stop posting, antagonizing, and threating people… if y’all stopped feeding us your propaganda, then maybe less bad things would be said about you and your family. So far y’all look really bad… and yet you keep promoting yourself and your families bad behavior - nobody is buying it… you just make yourself look worst… instead of asking us to stop, why don’t you?


I guess her almost dying did not let her see the light.

maybe you need to have to have the talk with her. Der Krug geht so lange zum Brunnen bis er bricht.
The next time she harassses somebody she might not get this lucky.
Be Best, right.
So far she has not mended her ways. it is useless to get mad at the mirror for the image it reflects.


Im quite sure that jack the ripper and george Morris were very presentable… Most sociopaths and psychopaths are. Here is some notable information about an infamous person.

Ted Bundy was a charmer, the kind of guy that made it easy for people to be swept into his web. “I liked him immediately, but people like Ted can fool you completely,” said Ann Rule, author of the best-selling “Stranger Beside Me,” about her experiences with Bundy, a man she considered a friend. “I’d been a cop, had all that psychology — but his mask was perfect. I say that long acquaintance can help you know someone. But you can never be really sure. Scary.”

yes, you clearly do know all about this - very familiar…


I wonder if she is UTD on her shots…
or on the way to deathrow for one to many nips


Personally I would stop visiting this forum and posting. Obviously you have not noticed my level of posting has dropped dramatically but I still get the brunt of your hatred. No one here caused your daughter’s behavior. No one has come forward with the horrible stories about Barisone that you insist are readily available. Yet, plenty have come forward about their experiences with your family. Just stop coming to this forum. Go entertain yourself on YouTube. You asked what I would do and I just told you. Ignore this forum as you have been able to ignore any other unpleasantness in your life. BTW, I am sorry someone brought up your parents - I can’t comprehend what your parents have to do with anything.

Good bye, Kirby or whomever you are.



Walk away and stop visiting this thread.