Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Perhaps stay in that light and love rather than coming here and making sad accusations. You’ll feel much better.


I, unlike you, do this to protect my family. I am not protecting anyone’s bad behavior. I am not enjoying watching you misunderstand a situation and trying to blame one person on the inappropriate and dangerous actions of many. I hate doing this. I find NO PLEASURE in this unlike you. This is your only source of entertainment apparently, sadly. I am praying for you that you find the peace you seek. Unless the mods throw me off… I will not go away. You will not continue with your actions without a response from me.

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What a crock.


And insulting to our intelligence that you think we would believe a single word from you or your lying family.


You keep up this same sad story. I’m glad you are so engaged in your Bible study group to continue posting here.

It is no concern of mine if you post here or not, but you certainly do seem to enjoy your childish posts directed to me, so I’m glad I bring you something for you to do. At least my posts have tangible information rather than immature name calling and reciting the same denials over and over. I’m sorry you are in pain Kirby, and many of us have wished you well and advised you to stay away from social media regarding your family. It is certainly your choice to continue “coming to the dark side” by participating in this forum. No one here will partake of your Koolaid.


don’t care.

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A question occurred to me. If there is no contract signed by both parties, then would Lauren & Rob’s tenancy be treated as a month-to-month and therefore could be ended quickly if MB wanted them gone (in July)?

Presuming they were reasonably normal people, which they aren’t, clearly.


The group is discussing a book called a Linage of Grace by Francine Rivers.

Of course you do or you wouldn’t be here and wouldn’t respond. Please stop your hypocrisy, especially while in a Bible study group.


The “kids” or at least LK have been flogging her wrath all over YouTube and likely other online places. Shame she doesn’t follow your admonishment.


People don’t usually listen to others.

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And? Enjoy yourself. Perhaps you will be able to find some grace in your life. It can be elusive for many.


I can do two things at one Eggies.

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I think this is the most accurate post you have ever posted. You do not care…You do not care what your daughter has done to ruin the lives of others. You do not care that she continues to do that. You just do not care.


Calling a 41 year a “kid” reminds me of those who called Lauren a “girl” rather than a (adult) “woman”. She was ~38 when shot and is 41 years old now

Pretty long in the tooth to play at being a tender innocent now.


It’s revealing how your attention is not focused on your group.

Okay, I’ll go away for a while so you can at least concentrate on your studies. See you later. Mkay? Maybe I’ll have more breaking news to share!


With no written lease, he could have given them 30 days notice at any time.

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yet he did not currently horseless because he did not want them to leave until Mary Haskins gave him an ultimatum.

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Another lie. Of course you care or you wouldn’t be here posting day and night including during alleged Bible study.

Question: When you read about Jesus, which side are you on?


Have you asked your husband about this? I am guessing you will get a real enlightenment if you do.


“A Lineage of Grace” qualifies as Bible study? Seriously?

How lightweight.