Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Again, they had been restored too quickly. As such your listed actions would be illegal.


I write facts. Have all along.

Fix your skirt, your hypocrisy is showing.


I donā€™t think the purpose of the background check was to vet them as tenants. If you vet tenants you do that before they first move in. I think the purpose of the PI report was to get 750 pages to send to USEF.

If youā€™ve dealt with them for a year and a half and then suddenly stumble across dangerous behavior, most landlords would just give 30 days notice rather than get a report. Or if itā€™s really alarming, get an emergency 3 day order.

We know now that he was not in his right mind, so itā€™s less surprising, based on the psychiatric diagnosis, that he didnā€™t do the simple, rational thing of asking her to leave well prior to Aug 2019.

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Oh weā€™re sorry, did MB not react to the extortion properly?


Does anyone recall if Lauren posted those flattering photos ā€œher momā€ posted here on her Pinterest ā€œI was shotā€ spread? Imagine making that the highlight of oneā€™s life and never moving on.


As I have also said Nightā€™s Momā€¦ this whole situation was a series of two very scared people who did not have the best coping skills miscommunicating and misunderstanding each other. I am devastated by every aspect of this. You seem to want to place blame inappropriately.

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You conclude JK did ā€œforceā€ MB into continuing the training relationship, even though you donā€™t know concretely what type of force was used?

Let me guess: you do know what type of force JK used, you just donā€™t want to tell me.

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Nope. Itā€™s very appropriately placed by most. She could have leftā€¦several times. She could have been a decent human being. She didnā€™t have to attempt to Finish the Bastard. Who does that?


Just wondering, if SGF had thought they had left, unaware of that late night restorationā€¦ And thought turning off utilities might prevent them coming backā€¦ What would have happened had it then been discovered that they were still there.

No one was aware of the FI telling them they could stay after all.
I might have decided to make sure their belongings were gone, taking RCs handy weapon just in case, swapped out the locks, and done everything I could think of to make it unattractive so they wouldnā€™t come back.
Eta, youā€™ve answered already, I see. Thanks.


Bless your heartā€¦I am the one seeking fame and fortune? I am the one suing for huge amounts of money? I am the one rushing to every public forum to post about myself? Really, Kirby, please look at your own glass house. Besides, what on earth do I need fame and fortune for at my advance stage of decay?


I am completely heartbroken over Michael Barisoneā€™s misery and misfortune. What a loss to so many caused by one very vindictive, nasty, envious individual driven to destroy.


Ah I see youā€™ve changed personalities again.

Well at least this version writes sentences.

Iā€™m not placing blame inappropriately. Iā€™m using logic and the facts presented. Iā€™m using court testimony.

What Iā€™m not using is LKs words because Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. LKs word means NOTHING. Itā€™s nothing but garbage and lies. She even testified that itā€™s lies.


Your daughter, clearly.


Perhaps you should open yours. Or at least take off the rose colored glasses.


OK off to another fun filled day of light and love. I am in my Bible study now and have to focus. After, a beautiful luncheon with my friends. I wish you all the best and hope you can find fulfillment and happiness in a healthy way. I am so glad I have healthy ways to find happiness.

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It is true I used MHGs initials 5 times.

It is not true that I used as a premise that ā€œMHG wronged LKā€.

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Happy Early Birthday!! :birthday:


Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus


Where did I say any of this is ā€œfunā€ Kirby. Come on, show me. It isnā€™t fun watching someone be in such denial of the responsibility of their offspring to tragic events that changed so many livesā€¦long before she met Barisone. Was Lauren having ā€œfunā€ harassing GJ? Was she having ā€œfunā€ running through the woods barefoot in a veiled ninja outfit? Was it ā€œfunā€ to not show up for lessons? Was it ā€œfunā€ to call building inspectors, fire marshalls, SS, and heaven knows who else? Is it all about ā€œfunā€ for your family?


MHMā€¦ I am responsible for my own happiness. She is responsible for hers. You are responsible for yours. If this activity makes you happyā€¦ perhaps you should consider seeking help. I seek help every single day of my life for a host of things. I fully believe in it. However, no matter what someone tells me to try to help me, it is my responsibility to take those suggestions if I want to be the best version of myself.
No one can help me but me. This is the same for everyone.

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