Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

$5k? For board, training, and use if that house was somehow a huge help financially?
Puhleez. Boarders paying full fare, plus not squatting, plus not driving everyone to distraction and making them miserable… Could easily be better sources of funding.


Actually that is a screenshot from Google photos. When you swipe up on Google photos that screen appears. Hold on and I will post a screenshot from my phone.


I’d say not as you were doing it with him and not in a fit of pique or anger.

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You do not understand lots of things.


I don’t know if anyone has already mentioned this, but “Illegal Mob” made a donation. :joy:


No. Nowhere in my post is the premise that “MHG wronged LK”.

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The occupants had been restored. There was no time period but for part of a day where they were removed from the premises.

Plus why would you cut off services? How do you do repairs with no electric especially in August?


I agree with you that $5,000 for two horses in board and training plus the apartment was a good deal and probably under market.

He could have said, before returning from Florida, or anytime during spring, with 30 days notice, I’m raising the fee to $8,000 or $10,000, or whatever number he wanted.

One of two things would have happened:
She pays more
She leaves.

So why didn’t he?

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No one here has done anything even remotely close to YOUR DAUGHTER’S behavior here.

Talking about facts is not bashing.


Told LK she couldn’t use a bridle that wasn’t hers? Look, more entitlement.


True. Since I don’t understand how he could force MB to continue the trainer relationship, I conclude that he didn’t force MB to continue the relationship.

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Once he had more background information on them he wanted nothing more than to see their rapidly receding backsides.

Once Lauren knew her & Rob’s drug abuse & legal issues (past or present) made her unwelcome she should have been making plans to go. Immediately.

Not turning up her nose at other perfectly acceptable barns.

I wonder if what made her balk was not being permitted to crash or live on-site of the new barn placement secured by her father (and MB’s attorney - right?).

Her entitlement is off the charts. Again, I doubt it can all be laid at the feet of her addiction.


And I conclude he did. :woman_shrugging:


But MB didn’t know the residents had been restored, I think.

If they were supposed to be gone, I would have cut off the water & electricity to underscore they were out and to stay out. Even if it was only for a few weeks. To get the message across.

Plus changing the locks and alarming every entry point.

But hindsight is easy.


Lawsuits are pretty forceful and most people are pretty adverse to getting involved with them. Threatening to sue someone and make them spend a lot of money/pay out a lot of money is a common tactic for getting one’s way: in this case being allowed to stay beyond their welcome.


Yet you cite MHG as a source of angst and wrote her initials at least five times as you described your version of events.

We’ve already been told by Seeker1 that LK wanted MHGs status as Number 1 student.

The end result is a sick twisted insistence that LK was owed anything at all.

It is the insistance and premise that LK was entitled to stay at all.

She wasn’t.

And this whole mess has the shoddy and mistaken point of view that LK was owed anything at all.


In the spirit of full disclosure (why not, seems my life has become an open book on this forum), I am 71 years old - 72 on Sunday! I am not in a wheelchair, an invalid, experiencing dementia, losing control of my bodily functions, don’t have one foot in the grave, etc. The idea that anyone wants to bash anyone’s age or make assumptions about age speaks volumes. I can promise you that even on the eve of becoming 72 long years old, I can run rings around Lauren AND her mother every day of the week and twice on Thursdays.

In my 72 years of life on this planet, I have never, ever been arrested for anything, not even close. I have been successful in several areas of interest both commercially, and privately. I have volunteered for one group or another for well over 50 years and am sought after to help organize activities. I have no shame in my life with a successful family of goal-oriented members of a functioning society. My family does not target others to destroy, defraud or take advantage of. My family does not conspire to Finish the Bastard under any circumstances. Am I a saint, heavens no…simply a relatively good human being living in a society organized to protect, educate, and help others. My family appears to be polar opposites of the Kanarek mob. Thankfully.

Oh, let’s address this too - I am agnostic after studying religions most of my life. I tend to lean on science more than fantasy, yet I also like to read tarot cards and horoscopes for fun. My experiences with the hypocrisy of organized religion have caused me to run, not walk, as far away from such people as I can manage at my advanced state of physical deterioation.

Let’s see, what else should I disclose before someone decides to riducule?


Exactly. Thank you.


That is one opinion Knights Mom.

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