Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yes I am better than your daughter. I am better than Lauren Kanarek.


Bible study is wonderful. I love listening to people discuss how to do the right thing
 Cannot be reminded enough how to take the next “right” action. Adios

me too!!



Now we know you were not paying attention.


Legal eagles
what are the next steps and time frame for the civil trials and who decides who goes first? It’s been over a month since the verdict and there has been movement in various issues outside the civil aspect which prompts my curiousity about the civil process.

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I’d expect at least about 18 months on the civil trial. Depositions are on a 9 month timeline on their own, plus I’m sure the criminal trial might spark a few new rounds of interrogatories and production from both sides.


Can’t predict as the filing of additional papers causes delays. Odds are there will be more discovery and depositions too.


An interesting tidbit: Vera was in NC over the weekend giving a clinic with DK, RB, and their students.Unless I’m mistaken, LK used to train with both DK and RB. Wonder what interesting conversations occurred?

Also, I keep thinking about Kirby posting something along the lines of MHG slept with MB to be at his center, while LK paid to be the center (or most important) of MB’ s world. I don’t remember the exact words, but having trained with several professionals, I never once thought that I was anywhere near their center of their life. In the vast number of MB’s students, including several olympians, where in the world would anyone, with any sense at all, think she was that important?


Interesting! Knowing RB, I can guarantee she would not, under any circumstances, mention LK. It seems LK does not exist in RB’s world. She literally smiles and walks away when the subject comes up. I can’t imagine DK discussing anything either. She is such a kind, wonderful professional. Now, the participants of the clinic may have had many side conversations!

VK will be back in early June.

Edit to say, many of the participants may not realize the connection since Vera has gone back to her maiden name. Regardless, she is a fantastic clinician.


W/could this be the effect of JK, and his negotiations of alk these relationships, as well as simply the nature of RB and DK?

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I have no idea. RB has refused to even acknowledge LK’s existance since late 2018. I have known RB for many, many years and she simply does not speak about ANYONE other than perhaps their achievements in the ring. She is always focused on her goals and training. Period. She is a truly remarkable woman.


That is refreshing, especially now.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

I think this has a whooooooole lot more to do with the situation than most of the other things closer to the surface of this debacle.

Why does she not have a driver’s license?
Was it revoked and she never paid the fine/did community service, or whatever to get it back?
Was it really so she couldn’t be found to be served a summons as was discussed years ago?
Has she been afraid to drive after her apparent auto accident 20+ years ago? :woman_shrugging:t2:


Regarding the civil trial, does anyone know if Judge Taylor will be presiding or if there will be a different judge? Not sure how that works so maybe some of the legal people here might have insight on that. It would be nice to have Taylor hear ALL of the things that will hopefully come out about these people and just how evil they really are. I would think the judge would not have so much leeway as to say what is and what is not allowed as that was very frustrating to watch. Maybe after the civil trial,he won’t be so disappointed in the verdict.


Thanks for the advice. I will certainly give it its just due, based on the source. And how well your advice has worked out for your family members.

How many members of your family have been arrested for assault again? Including you? :thinking:


Does anyone have a thesaurus handy? We really need a new word for irony on this thread.




Excellent question!!


I agree with everything you said. But I would change “he shouldn’t have shot her” to “she should never have been shot.”

Just because I’m not convinced that he shot her.