Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I feel you.


Great point @Salty!


Did anyone figure out why the wording changed in the SS suspension for MB?

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At least we got punctuation.


true, but the house was considered condemned not fit for habitation.
Shutting utilities off would be prudent to avoid accidents in a structure needing repairs.


I assume now that the criminal charges are acquitted they will now focus on the specifics of the complaint that was made. Considering the information that LKā€™s earlier reports against MHG were dismissed, I assume eventually these will as well. Notice that SS has issued a no contact directive for MBā€™s case now.


Itā€™s a different court, different judge. The judge in a civil case can still say what is coming into court, but there is a whole huge ton of difference in whatā€™s allowed in a civil trial vs a criminal trial. A wide, wide world of difference.

The biggest difference will be that LKā€™s behavior in the criminal trial was limited to its affect on the state of mind of the defendant.

In the civil trial, however, MB gets to explore her legal obligations to mitigate her damages, and her comparative negligence that led to the shooting.

On LKā€™s side, they are going to be allowed to delve into MB in a way that would never be allowed in a criminal trial as well.


Thanks for the example. According to Eggbutt, JK made a phone call ā€œinsistingā€ they give RG his job back, and was unsuccessful in accomplishing his objective (according to EB, the owners hung up on him.)

So in that case JK was unsuccessful in ā€œforcingā€ the business owner to rehire RG.

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There has been a lot of personal commentary back and forth on this thread recently, cutesy re-working of each otherā€™s usernames, a general focus on each other vs. the case itself.

Again, itā€™s understandable why this topic gets heated, all around. Regardless, if you are choosing to post here, please redirect the conversation to the related court cases, past and future, and issues directly related to them vs. the focus on who is posting what and why and your thoughts about it. This reminder goes for participants on all ā€œsidesā€ of the discussion.



LKs original complaint against MB was for bullying, which I think would have been adjudicated by USEF rather than SS.

This says that the adjudicating body is SS, not USDF, so I would interpret this as meaning that SS is now investigating the the shooting as the misconduct. If Barisone had been convicted, he would have been banned, but since he was not convicted, SS is now investigating. Thatā€™s my interpretation.

What does the ā€œNo Contact Directiveā€ mean in this context?

From SSā€™s website:

  1. No Contact Directive(s)
    a. This is typically when a Participant is prohibited from communicating in any way
    or through any medium with another party(ies) while an investigation is ongoing, to avoid potential conflict, confrontation, or further escalation

LK has stated she reported him to SS and that SS didnā€™t care unless it was about minors, so she told them about minors. The CPS worker stated they were referred by SS.

Forgive me for believing the sources connected to the case rather than a ā€œrandom nobodyā€ on the internet. I think it stands to reason, they are investigating her report of him about minors that she says she made to SS against him. Do I need to provide sources? I have at least two or three screenshots of claims made outside of COTH as well.


I suppose RG is actively involved in the case, but being the outlier and the hired hand, he surely is included in the order?


Forgive my ignorance but what is bible study? Do they try to analyze the bible?

I wonder that too. Who do they consider ā€œparticipantsā€? I was going to say something about common sense here but that seems to be lacking in many aspects of this whole situation.


well, common sense is dearly lacking, in society as well the law at times.


So it means MB himself cannot discuss the SS investigation with anyone else? Does that include his attorneys?

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I canā€™t imagine that would include attorneys.