Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Just a guess from a non-legal mind, but I think “parties” means parties involved in the suit (plaintiff(s) & defendant(s)).


I can not imagine they can write an order that does not allow him to discuss something with his attorneys.


Using a term too generally can cause greater misunderstanding than simply serving someone the wrong drink. Take, for example, the term “Bible study” as it is often used in the local church. On the typical church website, it’s not uncommon to find classes on marriage, finances, parenting, prayer, and books of the Bible all listed as “Bible studies.”

In these gatherings, good things happen. People connect to one another in community. They share needs, confess sins, and explore topics through the lens of Scripture. But not all of these classes are Bible studies.

Over time, “Bible study” has become a catchall to describe all kinds of gatherings. In the words of the esteemed linguist Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride , “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

As we have expanded our use of the term, we have decreased the number of actual Bible studies we offer. Churches have gradually shifted away from offering basic Bible study in favor of studies that are topical or devotional, adopting formats that more closely resemble a book club discussion than a class that teaches Scripture.

And “Lineage of Grace” is not studying the Bible. It’s more like fan fiction, or “historical fiction”. Like Phillippa Gregory books, but using people mentioned in the Bible. In this instance, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary.


Just as it is for MHG, Barisone can not be mentioned publicly nor can any contact be made with him by the persons named in the complaint, which I am assuming to be the same MHG complaint. So, if the Kanareks pursue discussing Barisone or Gray on social media, USEF will not be pleased. Everyone involved would have received official notice of the no contact order.


That is what I was thinking, which is why I asked. :grinning:


Barisone hasn’t publicly spoken about the case to anyone, neither had MHG. That said, I suspect both have been interviewed by 48 Hours with their attorneys present and perhaps with consent of USEF…but an interview is not publicly speaking unless the interview is published.

This could be exactly why we have not heard anything more from IM (just guessing on my part because I don’t know who IM is IRL).


So it is sort of like reading Ben-Hur and claiming it is “studying the Bible.” :laughing:


Pretty much. If you don’t have people arguing over the original text vs. what has been filtered through Greek and from there to other languages, it’s not study. It’s a social event that may involve mimosas.


So you think that based on the NGRI verdict, SS has cleared him of the misconduct having to do with the shooting?

In the absence of any other complaint, such as one you claim was made by LK about minors, do you think based on the NGRI verdict SS would have fully reinstated him at this time?

I don’t think he will be reinstated in any form until he passed the requirements to be released from the psychiatric facility. His release from the psychiatric facility I would expect would have restrictions.

Given the NGRI verdict it makes sense to me that SS would think hard about what restrictions they want to put on his return to participation.

If LK made false accusations about him re minors of any type, the negative consequences would fall on her.

Please don’t bother with the screenshots.


My bet he would have to be fully released.


I guess that could include both of you since you’re here posting away. Must not have anything else to do between the home exercise classes and movies in the lounge?


They should have been out. They shouldn’t have been in yhe residence to fix the fire alarms. As soon as they were supposed to be out, o would have shut off water and utilities, and changed the locks and es orted them off yhe property with several large SUVs and accompanying large men. Their hotses would have followed within the hour, or prior, to one of the many stabled willing to take them. Done and dusted. Put them in a car and take her off property.


I think it means MB may not contact LK, RG, and JK.

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Gets my vote. I wish it had unfolded in exactly that manner.


Just curious - how are those orders enforced against individuals who are not USEF members (such as RG and LK’s family members)?


Sign me up! :laughing:


Ditto! Same! Verbatim! Only I’m 64!


Seriously? Seeker’s crazy comments about the case and her family are fair game for discussion, because they are relevant to the topic. But do we need to dissect the reading choices of her book club or Bible study group? That just seems petty and supports the “mean girls” view of the posters here.


What body issued the no contact order you’re talking about? USEF? The only no contact directive on public record is the SS one prohibiting MB from contacting LK and RG.

Also, as I read the no contact directive from SS, it said that he could not contact them, not that he couldn’t “discuss them” on SM.

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No they are fair game. She’s throwing the nasty christianity at us, throwing her religiosity into the forum, of course we can dissect it. When she proselytize and vomits platitudes she can be called up for hypocrisy. She introduced the topic. Some of us know more about her religion than she does