Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Um, did I say anything about banning Seeker1? Nope. Instead of getting myself in a hissy about my name being brought up yet again I embraced it and posted even more info about my life. I can only fault myself for not having the thought to go back almost 20 years to block/remove old posts. Who does that?

As far as the MHG/SS/no contact order…I said I had not seen/read the order so I could not quote from the order. The information I provided about the SS investigation and no contact order is true.

Mentioning JK calling, yelling and demanding others do what he wants is old news and SOP for him. Nothing new here.

LK’s current situation with regards to her trainer and boarding IS relevant since she has discussed it on several occasions.

I’m sorry if you are bothered by my posts. I expect you will flag away hoping the moderators will punish or ban me for posting current news. BTW, all of which will be introduced in civil trials.


But you are not helping him, you are harming him. You are also trying to harm LK. Encourage him, sure. Talk about the trials, sure. Stop feeding a dilution and stop pushing a recovering addict back to old ways. You even know her personally. How about encouragement that she can go on, keep riding, stop being offensively defensive? How about focusing your leadership skills on making the community better? It sounds like you raised a good citizen. How about positive encouragement for others?

It’s harder and sometimes futile. Why not try?

I think you meant your response for CH, not Trub?

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Maybe if LK showed any kind of remorse or willingness to change or learn from past mistakes, I would be willing to bet eggbutt would be or would have been willing to extend an olive branch.

Given the current state of affairs and past affairs, not so much.

Sorry eggbutt if I have spoken out of turn on your behalf.


Are YOUR comments about the trial OR have you become an employee of CoTH as a moderator? Who exactly are you attempting to control? Did Seeker1 come back to discuss the trial or play name games and blame others? Why are you being so hypothetical? Oh, I get it… to have the thread closed. Got it.


I added the underline.
Back to?
Have you seen what this person has posted since the trial?
There is no back to.
LK is still doing the same things LK did to MB.


It is in response to my quote of CHs post so it is just fine. I was worried at first why eggbutt was mad at me, but … I realized Eggbutt was talking to CH, not me.


If her entire family and those who love her can’t influence her, what makes you think I can? For almost 4 years I ignored her frequent FB posts about my family…did that encourage or discourage her and her bestie from having their fun? Does LK listen to anyone including her family. I get where you are coming from but she may want to begin the process herself of getting help.


The only person that can push an addict back to there “old ways” is themselves.

I get wanting to create the best environment possible for recovery, but even that can backfire.

If you haven’t dealt with addict(s) before, it’s entirely possible that your naive advice might not be well received.


Oh look, here among the armchair barristers we have an armchair psychologist.


Specifically how?


Yes, sorry! Not mad at anyone…these attacks are par for the course.


Yes, my mistake! Thank you!


That’s the thing, there is no remorse or acknowledgement of any wrong doing. I’m not saying the whole thing was LK’s fault, but she really seems not to take responsibility for anything. LK will not change. It’s nice to think that she could or that kindness can heal everything, but it can’t. It’s just best to distance yourself from it/the individual.


I have no misplaced anger at my family. Any anger I have to LK was caused solely by her and her alone.

I - we are not sabotaging anything. We are discussing a case that people all over are discussing. Tell me… are you badgering them as well?

If LK doesn’t like what she’s reading she can choose not to read AND she can stop engaging in bad behavior. It’s not our fault she did what she did.

As for her feelings? Not my concern. I care as much about her feelings as she cared about mine when she threatened to take my house and farm because I posted a truth about seeing her post about a Ruger. Oh btw, I came across yet another person who saw that same post and I copied that comment. I came across it on May 14th.

I see now you mention a 3 day disorderly thing. Well it doesn’t matter. Apart from yet another attempt to validate LK behavior - it won’t, do know that we and the world have identified LK for what she is. And this was all done by LKs own hand.

So take your post of feigned outrage and misdirection to some other medium where maybe the participants haven’t witnessed all the lies from LK in real time as they happened.

People all over the world are discussing LK behavior. More will be in the future. And so will we be.


You are 100% correct! Most of us tend to want to help those who are contrite, take responsibility and show a willingness to want to change their ways. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t offer that level of forgiveness or support. Based on LK’s multitude of posts on these threads lashing out at me with fantasy, I seriously doubt she has a remorseful bone in her body. Same for her actions against MB and MHG and everyone else at HH…Zero accountability and/or remorse.


I wish we could normalize people just enjoying their horses. Feeding them treats late at night is fine. Enjoying them as pets as long as they aren’t spoiled, non handleable man-eaters is fine. Not riding and instead showing in hand is fine. Not showing is fine.

Pretending to be an international caliber rider when you are not is however questionable. But maybe if we normalized just owning horses for pleasure we wouldn’t see as much of the lying about showing and levels in the general horse population. This situation maybe not but others maybe so?


There is no 3 day eviction.


I agree.

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Is not normalized?
I know lots of people who have horses they do almost nothing with.
Some pay their board and farrier/vet bills and visit a few times a year. Some come to the barn and groom their critter a couple of times per month.
No one seems to care that they are not riding or showing as long as the horse is taken care of.

I believe it come up in these threads simply because LK claims (in a very recent post on youtube even) things like her being the best rider at MB’s barn. Or her on track to go to the Olympics, etc. Which if the teen down the street says these things we all just smile and nod, but when someone is suing about their loss of work/ability, it matters because she has always been a person who spent more time giving treats than riding.