Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Neither does who MB sleeps with, but you seem to like to bring that type of information up quite regularly.

But you calling people you do not know names is about the trial?

Or maybe someone associated with the trainer that left talked about being called by JK? Darn, that could be an option. Like other people in the past have talked about, JK calling them up, threatening to sue them if they do not do what he wants.

Oh, but maybe Eggbutt talked to someone who has first hand experience regarding the order.
I mean, you have not seen proof of most of the things you blast as facts, right?

For someone who says they do not report things, you are talking an awful lot about reporting things.

OK. Sure.


Yes. The jury, as finders of fact, sided with the defense expert, who said that MB was delusional.

The trial is over, and the verdict was NGRI on two counts.

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What LK is currently doing is definitely related to the civil trial.


You may refer to me as “classy” whenever you wish, @trubandloki.

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Well thank you. I might want to add some more words around that title, but since you are OK with it


I don’t know what’s with AARP’s database, but my in-his-20’s grandson is getting AARP stuff sent to my address.


He asserted that the actual fear, from actual instances were not delusional (because others agreed and were fearful) but that exacerbated the other, over the top delusions. Iirc.


Perhaps so. Perhaps the reason she has not ridden since before the trial is due to her physical injuries.

Maybe it’s due to psychological stress from being bashed on SM.

For whatever reason, she seems to be having difficulty moving on with her life. If that’s true. I wouldn’t know.

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I’m fine with you turning on me the name I used, which was “classy”. You are not authorized by me to add words.

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Just stop the nonsense. There is a 3 day notice for actions by the tenant.

LK screaming outside his door all night? Done.

Is it a slam dunk? Maybe not but he didn’t do it. Insane then or later after further deterioration? Ninja wandering? Done though that story sounds like a hallucination.

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Neither did any legal issues pertaining to MHG’s ex-husband, but you were certainly glad to post about finding that online.


You’re right, that was irrelevant. If you think he cares, I’m happy to go back and delete it.

Was it you who first brought him up as a contractor? I don’t remember. I’ll go back and delete that post of mine when I have the time.

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The jury believed the defense witness. I think the jury got it right. Maybe you disagree and think the state witness is right? Do you believe MB was faking a delusion? Do you believe he was sane when he carried RC’s handgun to the house and shot LK twice?

I listened to the testimony of the defense and state expert witnesses. It’s all on YouTube.

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Just an update on the poll further upthread.

11 people have been threatened on COTH, one way or another, by Lauren Kanarek! These results are just in about a 14 hour period, so a limited number of people viewing the post.


I don’t know about y’all, but I have never threatened 11 people in my entire life, let alone 11 people I do not know on an anonymous internet message board!



What nonsense? You understand that a notice is just a notice, right? It doesn’t get the tenant out.

From your link: scroll on down to page 17:

“No judgment of possession shall be entered for any premises covered by section 2 of this act, except in the nonpayment of rent under subsection a. or f. of section 2, unless the landlord has made written demand and given written notice for delivery of possession of the premises.”

Page 17 then delineates the causes, such as disorderly conducts, etc.

Then scroll back up to page 6:

“2A:18-57. Judgment for possession; warrant for removal; issuance
If no sufficient cause is shown to the contrary when the action comes on for trial, the court shall issue its warrant to any officer of the court, commanding him to remove all persons from the premises, and to put the claimant into full possession thereof, and to levy and make the costs out of the goods and chattels of the person in possession.
No warrant of removal shall issue until the expiration of 3 days after entry of judgment for possession, except as provided for in chapter 42 of this Title”

So, as I originally stated, you aren’t getting an eviction in 3 days. You send the notice, file the court action, wait for court, hope you get a judgment, then wait 3 more days before possession is returned to you.

So please, again, enlighten me as to what nonsense I wrote?


The wandering ninja was reported by others who were living on the property, not MB, so unless they were having group hallucinations, I believe their observation.

edited because I have yet to learn to proofread my posts for spelling.


Is this about the trial? Why are you continuing to attack the family? Are you angry at your mother for neglecting you in favor of a more needy sibling? Is this why you are so angry at @Seeker1?

Please adjust your comments back to the trial unless you actually want the thread shut down.


Did my post strike a nerve with you @hut-ho78?

My family, or my relationships with them, are not on full display for the world to see, especially since my mother has not come here to defend me on anything. You see, I am an adult who handles my own issues, as adults should.

Interesting how low you choose to go!