Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

You do realize that the video you are talking about was not just yesterday, right? I think the timeline of that video was discussed in the threads here and the point that the video was from before the trial. Because it came up that maybe she was back down there already but then it was pointed out that the video was older.
Things could have changed since that video… Heck, a trainer can go from being your trainer to not being your trainer in a matter of seconds, it does not typically take months for that to happen. (I know, with LK things are different but still.)

Edit to add - I see other smart people type faster.


It’s fairly clear from previous posts that Mom’s hearing at the trial was very selective.


Nice backpedal about not saying anything “negative about MHG.” Worried, are you?

And I will grant you that it probably did add to his stress - because he was/is basically a nice guy who wanted to give LK/RG every chance to “do the right thing” and leave on their own. HOWEVER, the fact that he was “stressed” in no way excuses LK for her abhorrent behavior toward them. Instead of leaving because she was obviously not welcome there anymore, she maliciously ratcheted up the pressure in hopes she could drive MHG away. But she badly overplayed her hand by relentlessly and gleefully tormenting MB - even to the point of scheming to get MHG’s children taken away by CPS. It is beyond the pale that she thought she had a “right” to dictate how MB conducted his personal life, and beyond the pale that she thought it was “okay” to threaten his livelihood, his reputation, his personal relationships, his girlfriend’s children.


It’s a toss up between this meme and the barefoot ninja. You all slay me with your creativity.


it is clear momsy did not learn anything from the trial, I wonder what daddio learned about the arrangements his daughter made?
Maybe he found out he was being played as well?


This meme is good but I think the barefoot ninja is the winner.


You heard the truth in court, testimony under oath. Yet, you defiantly refuse to believe those statements as the truth.

Just for clarification, when did your daughter lie? Under oath in the courtroom? Or directly to you?


I understand some of you feel a great deal of anger at LK and her family because it is misplaced anger at your own family member and your own family member you believe enabled the addition.

What was your role in their recovery or failure to recover? Did you try to sabotage their recovery as you are LK’s recovery or MB’s recovery from mental illness.

Both LK and MB need to move forward and have a terrific struggle ahead of them. LK because of her testified addiction issues in the past with the temptation to relapse exacerbated by the being shot twice, PTSD, and pain management. Instead of support, she is facing the blame and shame the victim game. MB by recovering from a DELUSION that LK was such a dangerous threat he had to shoot her twice. When he walks out, fragile and intimidated by re-entering the world, he will be subjected to this little small click of triggered SM poster nonsense about LK causing his problems. Just how badly do you want to destroy these two?

Fix yourselves and quit badgering the two most fragile people involved in their own trauma.

Sure keep the conversation about the trial but stop personally attacking LK and her family and stop feeding into a DELUSION, the same DELUSION, that the jury believed caused MB to shoot LK instead of using the New Jersey 3 day disorderly part of evicting tenants to evict her. Yes, 3 days for being disorderly. Not a typing error.

Didn’t the state’s professional witness say that it was not a delusion and that is why MB could not be insane?



You seem to know a lot about DELUSION.


Not a typing error, but certainly a mischaracterization of NJ law. Sure, he could have given a 3 day notice to quit (maybe that’s what the August 5th notice was, I don’t know), but all that would have done is given him the right to file a court action for eviction. Depending on court calendars, the actual eviction process, even before COVID can take months, before it even gets before a judge, who may not necessarily grant the eviction, but even if the court does, you still have yet another waiting period to get your order to have tenant(s) removed.

So, a 3-day eviction is a misnomer.


When I skimmed your post I read “abhorrent” as “aberrant” which I think would also work.


LK certainly has a strange plan for healing by posting and attacking on the YouTube chats. I understand your concern for LK, truly. Please understand she has not seemed to change one iota in all the years she has victimized others. Perhaps a first step in recovery would be to accept a smidgen of responsibility and accountability…finish the Bastard and all that.

MB is and will be getting all the help he needs to heal and move forward, probably for the rest of his life and is accepting the help from so many. LK doesn’t think she needs any help, or so it seems.


@Seeker1, could you tell us if it is true that when Lauren was released from the hospital she stayed in a hotel?

Is it true she is not allowed in the family home?

Is that why she did not leave Michael’s and come stay with you since she was so scared as you tell us?


Oh, my, YES. I posted upthread about the difference in how things went once I blocked her. “Mom” has to be the most prolific poster on the thread.


Okay, what about her, he may have quit but is she still on the property?




I have flagged this post for moderation. It has absolutely nothing to do with any trial. It’s negative gossip about LK and her father as well.

You obviously don’t know if JK called the trainer (“made his normal call and yell and demand they continue on!”). But that doesn’t stop you from working that tired trope into the thread. Again.

At least I’ve finally learned that when JK is accused of having “forced” MB to keep LK as a client, what that means is that, possibly, JK made a phone call!

I assume your classy contacts in Florida would never stoop to installing listening devices, so bringing in JK, even with the “I wonder” is just nasty speculation intended to denigrate. It’s what you do. Since you did not learn the “information” on LK first hand, why not identify the classy person who is passing it on to you? I assume it’s not the people surrounding and supporting MB, since they’re probably following his example of refraining from discussing LK. So who is it?

Re the truth of your posts, Eggbutt, you posted that all of LKs family was under an order to “not discuss” MHG. In later discussion, it turns out you had not seen “the order” and “had no idea” who had received the order! The walking back of the probably false claim of LKs family could not “discuss MHG” only occurred after Sdel provided an elaborately reasoned post doxxing “LK’s sister” as both YD and my screen name!

There was discussion of getting Seeker banned for mentioning your IRL name, but apparently she is safe because you revealed your identity 20 years ago. I have not revealed my identity. I would certainly hope the mods have not revealed my identity. Your post gave me the occasion to flag it and ask the moderators why Sdel was not banned for doxxing LKs sister.

I understand these threads are extremely difficult to moderate. But Sdel publicly identifying my screen name as LKs sister is 1) not fair to me 2) not fair to LKs sister, and 3) not true! I do not understand why Seeker would have been banned for doxxing Eggbutt as Sandie Dennis (if you had not already identified yourself), but there are no consequences at all for Sdel for doxxing a member of LKs family.



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It’s not a back-peddle! I had to explain to KM three times that saying that MHG “played a role” simply because she, MHG, intensely wanted LK gone is not saying MHG “was at fault”.

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