Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

This thread has turned into Seeker making absurd/deceitful/ridiculous/name-calling posts, then a bunch of people respond with reality, then Seeker does it some more, and people respond. Repeat ad nauseum. What’s the point? It was amusing for a little while, but no longer. Seeker contributes nothing of value to the thread. If everyone just put her on ignore, she would eventually have to find a new playground.

The ignore function is a friend to all of us.


Not meaning to be picky or pedantic, but I do want to clarify. Trials and administrative tribunals are public in Canada. It is an important principle in a democratic society to have open court proceedings.

Trials have been reported on since news reporting began. I think televised trials are just using a different medium.


Unlike you’re daughter who was doing her terrorizing intentionally right?


MHG wasn’t terrorizing MB, is that what seeker says now? How would she know anything?


I think this is a case of a comment can be read two ways.

I read it (after reading the comment it was a reply to) that MHG did not know that LK was terrorizing MB.

Though now reading @jvanrens comment I can see how it can be read that @Seeker1 might be trying to play fancy with words and say that MHG was terrorizing the cause of MB issues and did not know it.


Just the truth

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Thanks for sharing these ride times again! There is no way on earth that woman would have ridden six tests in one weekend - ever! It would have been a feat for her to ride one or two!!! Super BNT’s don’t want to be bothered with no shows, especially at a show!!


The same level of truth that LK has been posting on this forum since the begining?


I learned last night LK’s most recent trainer, you know the one IM said “loves her”, has quit. In fact they quit via phone call as soon as LK actually returned from NJ. I wonder if daddy did his normal call and yell and demand they continue on! I wonder if this trainer contacted Ulf to get his permission before she called Lala to quit?

I doubt she has ridden any of her horses since before the trial. Lauren has never gone out to enjoy her horses and ride as I recall. She likes to go late at night and give them treats but doesn’t make the effort to ride and train alone. Horses sure are expensive pets!


I thought she posted (was it here or on Facebook) that she had six ridden in the morning before the rest of us did anything.


Not that this means anything but the claim of riding super early is something our local “unique” equestrian did and of course it was a lie.

So to me, this song rings familiar.


Please read my longer post a while back.

I said that MB was in an untenable situation because MHG was putting pressure on him to send LK away while he apparently did not want to lose LK as a client. I described it as being between a rock and a hard place.

I’m not saying anything negative about MHG to say was pressuring MB to send LK off. I think it was an important element in creating the stress.



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Well. Seems like people are loath to be attached to her professionally. I totally get it. I wonder if this is also fodder for her ranting about “discrimination.”


Yeah, I can imagine these threads are to blame for the trainer quitting! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: They are blamed for everything else negative in their lives!


I don’t believe you. LK was accidentally videoed riding her horse in a lesson in the background of another rider and posted on these threads.

I don’t believe you know anything about SafeSport dispositions of cases.



I don’t care what you believe.


I believe the video which you are speaking of LK riding in the background was done before the trial.


Yeah, those videos are three or four months old at this point. They were posted some time in February.