Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Wow, the lies just keep on coming. Why is this mother making things up like this? What is the point?


There is no point. Thereā€™s never been a point. This was all just a hell of a temper tantrum by Princess gone wrong.


I wonder if in fact her entries had been cancelled at that point. I would have thought once they decided they wanted her out, they would have cancelled her entries for Saugerties. If MB was stopping services, like cancelling the farrier, I would have thought that he certainly woujld have stopped her entries for SAugerties. Clearly he had no intention of taking her to a show at that point.


Itā€™s certainly possible. There will be others here who recall if better than I, but Iā€™m pretty damn sure LK mumbled something on the stand along the lines of ā€œno, we werenā€™t scared of him because we were booked to go to Saugerties with him in Septemberā€ or something like that. Iā€™m sure her Mom will know, because she was there every day of the trial, and thatā€™s not something youā€™d forget if you were so close to the situation.


If MBā€™s services were to sign up and send in entry fees for students in the classes they wanted them in, those were probably done somewhere before things went to sh - poop, if indeed he had actually entered her. They may have talked about it earlier in the season, and it might not have been actually happenening. But it would have been up to him to cancel the entries, if there were any entries for her at saugerties made, and it sounds to me like he was cancelling servies, period. Why would he want the farrier to leave her horses alone, if he was planning to take her to Saugerties? I would guess he wasnā€™t. She was either lying or delusional. Why would SHE think she was going to be taken to Saugerties? Surely she would know he wasnā€™t taking her anywhere at that point. He didnā€™t even want her, ha hah, how funny, on the property any more.


If mom ā€œknewā€ anything, it was what she heard at the trial. I doubt DD was telling her anything about what was going on at the farm. Mom was in Europe on vaycay at the time. Daddio on the Patio was handling Lauren.


No, not kidding, it was clearly a half smile (one corner of her mouth ticked up) and it was wasnā€™t an outright laugh but a laugh to herself about having ā€œgotā€ the letter. Knowing more than your average watcher, it was clear she already knew what was going on from her recordings (She admitted here that she had recorded MBā€™s conversations with his lawyer). And yes, she said she got a formal letter from MBā€™s lawyer asking her to leave the farm ā€œaroundā€ Aug 5th.


Yes, the judge clarified Saugerties NY. She had bragged more than once that MB wasnā€™t scared or whatever because he took her to Gladstone before the shooting as well.


She was signed up for Saugerties, just not in the class she thought she was. There are screenshots of the entries in one of the previous threads.



I think thatā€™s when the dog bit Ruth Cox. I think Seeker1 posted about this quite some time ago. Thatā€™s why the laugh and the lack of ā€œrecall.ā€


Seeker was very quiet last night.


Not all big trainers do their riders entries. I thought I read somewhere that LK did her own entries and that is why they were sometimes messed up.

I have a hard time believing with the great deal that LK was getting at the farm that MB was paying for her farrier work too. I am betting that too was between LK and the farrier, not MB and the farrier.

@erinmeri, that post you did last evening is wonderful Great job!


Ah, yes. She went on about having to contact show management to get herself entered in the CDI PSG. I could find no record of her being entered in the CDI. Just the National classes. And she was scratched after the shooting.


It seems to me that on the 4-5th of August they still thought MB was taking LK to Saugerties because thatā€™s why they bought/installed the ever evasive security cameras.


Most trainers donā€™t even have you list their name on the entries because if the horse tests positive for something illegal everyone on the form gets flagged.


When asked why she didnā€™t leave, LK stated several reasons.

  1. As a tenant, she had rights and was not required to leave (this sounds like JK 's advice)
  2. She and RG were owed $50k and staying gave them leverage.
  3. Itā€™s hard to move that many horses.

All of this indicates her absolute knowledge that they were no longer welcome and they knew that for some time,not just days. It was their choice to stay and continue the plan. CH asked something up thread about why didnā€™t MB do such and such, I canā€™t remember what. I thought when I read that, why was it up to MB?? LK could have been responsible.

As posted above, when someone refuses to leave, itā€™s very difficult to get them gone. LK chose to stay and I donā€™t see any evidence of fright.


I find it so interesting that some people on this thread are so vested in shutting down discussion about how LK made it her mission in life to destroy someone elseā€™s business, career, reputation, financial stability, personal relationships, and emotional stability - all because of petty jealousy. And how she was aided and abetted by her paid manservant, and (allegedly) her father, as well as a do-nothing police department, and apparently even a Fire Inspector who allowed someone to move back into a ā€œtemporarily condemnedā€ building they did not own based on a late night email, and who also neglected to notify the actual owner of the building.

At first those wanting to shut down this discussion tried to argue that LK and RG were attacked out of the clear blue by someone who was angry - despite testimony that he was ā€œcalmā€ when the confrontation occurred. Then they tried to argue about the meaning of the verdict. Then they tried to direct the conversation away from LK/RG by discussing MHG. Then they tried to annoy us by calling us cutesy nicknames and showering us with fake religious platitudes. Now they are trying to shame us into shutting up.

Nope, the world needs to know what kind of people LK/RG/JK are (and Iā€™ll add KK to that list.) The horse world in particular as well as the general public deserve to know about them so they can hopefully protect themselves from them, and MB deserves justice for what they did to him.


Small distinction Iā€™m not sure we knowā€¦ Was it her farrier, or the farrier who took care of all horses there in training?
I can see if it was her farrier not wanting them there, especially if they were or could be an ally in this plot to ruin MB.

If it was MBs farrier who took care of LKs horses, perhaps MB was concerned he or farrier would get ā€œstiffedā€ since she was leaving as soon as he could get her out.


I think back to the social worker who read the vibes that RG was not someone she wanted to be around and think that maybe the farrier was reading those vibes too.

Sure, MB could have mentioned that he is working on getting them out, which would be MB being honest and looking out for his service providers, or even if it was not his service provider, him looking out for a service provider. Because think about it, most of us do not want others getting taken advantage of. Even people we do not like, we do not want to get taken advantage of.

I wonder if MB even know that LK had sent in entries.