Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I have never been threatened by Lauren Kanarek. I’ve even (gasp) said she has gone way too far in her responses.

I’ve never made up stuff about her either. :thinking:

And if he gave them 30 days notice, and they refused to leave, what then? I don’t think anyone has the power to ‘magically’ transport people, possessions, and horses from one place to another. I believe, at least where I live, if such a situation happened (tenants refuse to leave), the local police would say it’s a “civil matter.” It would be up to the landlord to proceed to the next step (and maybe next step, and next step, and next step…) to get them removed. I know of only one similar situation, the whole eviction process (done step by step, legally) took six months. At the end, the ‘court’ had an assigned crew (mild-offense, work-release men) go to the house with law enforcement officers, enter, take, and throw the tenants’ possessions out onto the sidewalk.

Someone said, also, that a possible way to evict/encourage someone to leave would be to raise the rent substantially. What if they refuse to pay the increase? What if, then, they refuse to pay ANY rent at all? Again, you’d have to go through ALL of the steps to evict them, which could take six months (like above).


You honestly believe people need to make up stuff?

The truth is so ridiculous no one needs to make up anything!

Remember ”FINISH THE BASTARD”??? Who does that???


This (in bold) bothers me. I worked in my city’s Inspection Department for (only) 1 1/2 years, BUT we didn’t “condemn” houses and apartments for not-up-to-code items. Not-up-to-code could be something as simple as certain electrical outlets needed to be GFIC, windows painted shut, outside steps needing a handrail, etc. The house/apartment would not get a Certificate of Occupancy until the ‘violation’ was taken care of. The house/apartment would not be CONDEMNED; that would mean that the house/apartment was is SUCH BAD CONDITION that it COULDN’T BE SAVED/FIXED UP. There would be a notice placed on the house/apartment stating that it couldn’t be occupied and the phone number to call about the violation. (Also, even fixed, the Building Inspection would have to examine the ‘repair’ IN PERSON before anyone could occupy the house/apartment.)

Also, it’s illegal here to attempt to evict a (troublesome or not) tenant by turning off the utilities. If you did, all the tenant needed to do would be to call the appropriate agency (gas company, electric company, water company), and the utilities would be turned back on IMMEDIATELY. The landlord who did this would be in MAJOR trouble.

HOWEVER, if there was a written rental contract that stated that the utilities were to be paid by the TENANT, it’s a different story. The landlord could state to the tenant, “You have to put the utilities (some or all) in your name by such-and-such date. I will take my name off the utilities then, and if you haven’t signed up, everything (or some) will be turned off.” (My former co-worker did this. When one of her rentals was vacant, the utilities were put back in her name. That way, the house would have heat in winter (so the water pipes wouldn’t burst), and she would have water and electricity to clean up and/or do any repairs to the rental before the next tenant moved in.) The landlord would have to show the appropriate agency a signed copy of the rental agreement (with “tenant is to pay for XXX utility”) to each agency when the landlord signed off.

Now, I am speaking from my own experience, though, for my city.

Edited to add the part in italics.


There is no credible evidence of any role MHG played in this except to file a SS complaint. Why do you insist on bashing MHG while admonishing others for talking about LK’s proven behaviours?


We looked at a house today that has a “tenant” upstairs who refuses to leave. She has been evicted. The city has posted a no occupancy sign on the door and all utilities are turned off. She is still there although thoughts are she will leave when it gets hot. This was also a situation that seemed good and went south- she was a business partner with the owners of the house when the business was operating out of it. . And still she is there. Why anyone thinks that eviction is easy when one person is refusing is beyond me.
Obviously we are not that interested in the house after that was revealed.


I don’t especially care what the fans, family and friends of LK think and I’m sure as hell not going to mince words about how I feel.

I find no redeeming qualities to LK. To my eyes she is a predator, has always been a predator and will always try and be a predator.

The day she decided to be my predator was her error in judgment.

I see her for what she is and make no apologies for stating it. Clearly her YouTube Tour Of Insults make it clear she’s learned nothing and she never will.

She will push for the Civil case to go on, telling her family the continued lie that she’ll win. But it’s actually all about infamy for her. Because being infamous and getting that attention is better than no attention at all.

When she could no longer get her attention fix here she migrated to other media. Twitter was private so her reach was limited. But on YouTube under assumed and actual names she was able to get that attention fix again.

I won’t apologize for how I feel. She poked a bear. Sometimes bears poke back. I have zero sympathy for her and I look forward to karma having her way with her.

If you don’t like my opinion, TOUGH. Trust me when I say I couldn’t give one fig less about yours.


Hmmm, I don’t understand how victims of domestic abuse can stay with their partners so they must not be abused? No the logic doesn’t work…


Best post on this forum. Thank you @erinmeri


and once again asking @Seeker1, why her daughter went to a motel instead of her kind and loving parents house when she got off the ventilator and was released from the hospital ?


I tried to vote but don’t think it was counted…

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well, it;s not that it can’t be saved,
but it can’t be lived in at the time.

the procecution witness stated that MB was not delusional, since your daughter really was doing all those things.

Want to try again?


yup. just like your daughter. be afraid…

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The apple and the tree… nature, nurture…


Testimony review. When asked how she became aware that MB had a lawyer, LK smiled and laughed to herself, then said she remembered getting a letter, but didn’t remember how she “got” the letter.

When asked about the general takeaway about that letter she again smiled and laughed during her answer that it was about not being wanted on the farms and to look for another place to go.


I wonder if the notice put on the farmhouse actually HAD the word “Condemned” on it.

We can, per our own interpretation, have different thoughts on what a"condemned" house is. To me, it’s like a “totaled car.” Sure, a totaled car CAN be repaired, but it’s going to take longer than “overnight.” Same for me (my interpretation) of a “condemned” house—it’s going to take longer than 24 hours to fix the problem(s).

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It probably wouldn’t say CONDEMNED as that is a tear down. Odds are it was more like Notice Of Violations and Order To Vacate Premises.


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t your daughter state on the stand that she was scheduled to head off to Saugerties with MB to show before the shooting? If she was scared to death of him, why was she still going to Saugerties? Or was she SO SCARED of him that she was TOO SCARED to cancel Saugerties? Because that’s not how I recall it on the stand.


Are you kidding? I know you aren’t, but I missed that part of testimony. She smiled and laughed about being asked to leave? So she received the eviction letter from the attorney.