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BB "Do you remember....." For the Oldies- A Tribute....

Do you remember…
…when Farmgate and Snowbird were the oldest here?
…when we argued for 2 weeks over what color Dreamboat was? (the Lindner’s pony)
…before we got infopop BBs (like before the last BB)?
…before we got the flame folders?
…before we hit 1000 for posters? 500? 250?
…before any ‘cliques’ were alive?
…when you could come to the bb and see posts on the front page from the last 3 weeks? month?
old posters, add other old post memories! I was a lurker long before I first posted (hence the still-later joining date!) but the memories! null

Originally posted by Slugger:
[quote}Canter, I’ve been here since Feb/March 99 (in various incarnations ) and have to say that I like the board best as of the past few months. Don’t go anywhere!

Same here, Canter!!

Anyone else ROTFL about calling 12 months ago “The GOOD OL DAYS”??? Like, omygawd, that was so twominutes ago!!! (Where’s the smilie for CA surfergirl-intonation??)

I lurked for a long, long time before I ever came on. Mainly because so many of the topics were oh so American and I didn’t feel comfortable chiming in with my opinion. I know some of you miss the “old COTH” but I have to ask - by going on and on about the way it used to be, you guys are really making me feel unwelcome and not wanted. I’m not trying to stir the pot here, I’m just saying that all these oldies things, and the laments about how things used to be makes me feel like I’m intruding - and I was with you guys long before the GM Poleing thread.

Snowbird I know you love the serious topics but can’t the serious and the fun exist hand in hand?

Perhaps I’m feeling all sentimental as I remember the COTH board pre-INFOPOP. Perhaps I’m just being silly.

To think how big our family is getting yet all of us are closer. We are like this tight nit bunch. We can sometimes be funny and sometimes be serious. yet we ae all family. I can’t remember how long I was a lurker, I think I started lurking around agust of 99 but don’t quote me. Now I call this BB my home.

The Good Olde Days!! haha

Canter, I’ve been here since Feb/March 99 (in various incarnations ) and have to say that I like the board best as of the past few months. Don’t go anywhere!

Sea Urchin didn’t get so much attention!

Moesha didn’t have any alter egos

There were NO canadians

The DQ’s were EASY targets

and I had AT LEAST 6 alter egos to play with…

ah…the “good 'ole days!!!”

Colin! Your back!

Queen Marine

Canter, I just think it’s that time of year. Periodically one of the older posters will say something that makes me feel like I crashed the party, but I think the ‘best of’ and ‘do you remember’ threads are just a product of our ages (I find myself doing that a lot with old friends)and the fact that 2000 is almost history.

Sometimes those Virginians do get out of hand though.

I think I registered the first day the forums came online lol! We didn’t just argue over Dreamboat’s color, the big question was whether she’s a mare or a gelding.

DD darlin, that was from December! Methinks Colin will not be returning any time soon…

don’t tell anybody, but I like the fun mixed with the serious too!

At the risk of encouraging Colin my first day visiting the BB was the Chain Noseband Day. If memory serves I was one of the first to respond. You talk about biting hook, line and sinker. OMG I was such a novice, knew nothing of trolls, alter egos and that people would post just to provoke!?!

I am much more mature now And so began my new “career” in BB-land. What fun it has been.

Some of us are hoping that Colin will be back!

Golly! I don’t want to sound as if I can’t appreciate some fun and a good time.

I really do enjoy the fun and the satire along with the serious stuff. We all are in for a good laugh every day.

I even like the lighter topics that tickle the imagination. Please don’t misunderstand. It was just so nice to be able to talk about serious things too and with people who really cared.

I think what has made this BB work is the even percentage of everything. Sort of like a running soap opera somethimes.

You made my day, Catuskate!!! Such fun!!!

I think what has made this BB work is the even percentage of everything. Sort of like a running soap opera somethimes

Ditto, Snowbird!

Do you remember…
…when Farmgate and Snowbird were the oldest here?
…when we argued for 2 weeks over what color Dreamboat was? (the Lindner’s pony)
…before we got infopop BBs (like before the last BB)?
…before we got the flame folders?
…before we hit 1000 for posters? 500? 250?
…before any ‘cliques’ were alive?
…when you could come to the bb and see posts on the front page from the last 3 weeks? month?
old posters, add other old post memories! I was a lurker long before I first posted (hence the still-later joining date!) but the memories! null

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Dang, somebody clear the dog out of my rocker and get me my blanket. I’m so tired from remembering, I’m going to have to hang out on the Porch and take a nap! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I’m off the chair, already!
Portia, that wasn’t the dog, it was ME!!!

I remember the board when I could it once a day and be able to see a topic from two days ago still be there. When I used to check every hour and get so frustrated that no one else had posted since the last time I had checked!

Before We discussed which item of head protection you used- safe or apparal only? On a bi-daily basis…

When there were only about 20 of us…