Belmont weekend 2023

I can’t imagine the kind of money Jon Ebbert turned down for Arcangelo, especially after the Peter Pan.

Yes. But I’m just gonna sit here and pretend it’s 100 years ago and I’m looking at Black Gold.

Speaking of Black Gold, pedigree expert Avalyn Hunter has a book about him coming out in September.


Ah, smart. We took the train in 2014 and were on the platform when it started to shake and had to be evacuated. People were having panic attacks in the concourses because the crowds were so bad. Disgruntled is an apt, if mild, description of that clusterf*ck.

Two more casualties this weekend🥲

Same trainer for both.

I hate to hear that.

I hope that somehow, a way can be found to reduce the number of casualties in horse racing. With HISA coming into play maybe some progress will be made.

I believe that there must be a way to prevent some of the breakdowns, not all of them of course, but good studies of the commonalities in breakdowns, track analysis, and current diagnostic methods more widely used for an increase of pre-race veterinary screening, will help guide HISA in its rule making role.

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I saw the announcement about the Black Gold book. I’ll definitely be getting that. The recent book that came out on Gallant Fox and Omaha was excellent. I love reading horsographies.


Couldn’t have happened to better connections. Absolutely thrilled beyond belief. Tremendous lady, small stable, great horsemen and horsewomen on the small team keeping things going everyday. An owner who believed in an undergrown purchase who needed time; and an entire team willing to give him the time he needed. A great ride by Javier as well; picture-perfect ride and plenty of patience; he knew what he had in the tank. Not to mention the amount of money and wealth/large stables that this small team defeated on Saturday. These people are the backbone of the industry and it’s just rightfully so that they win on the biggest stage in one of the biggest North American races.

I am far from a feminist but those sweet sounds of a glass being shattered…


Chip left ankle, right stifle OCD & a high / low foot

These are all from 2022. Is it typical that it takes that long to sort this stuff out?

Do you remember the title? (Yes, I will search, but…)

The Foxes of Belair.

OK! I found that on amazon and thought that might be it. THanks!

If that sound is pleasing to you, then may I politely suggest you are not far from a feminist :wink: :hugs:


nah , I wont ride that bandwagon of extremeism but I can be thoroughly happy for such someone such as her to accomplish such a feat.

Back on the Belmont subject; I saw a video online of the horses coming back to the grandstand for dismount. video showed National Treasure coming back . Bob DID NOT look happy. Johnny V was doing a lot of explaining and by the end; Bob looked like he was getting a little upset as the camera panned away.

My honest opinion on National Treasure is I am absolutely shocked they decided to run him back in the Belmont instead of rest him on his laurels a bit. but to end up finishing 6 of 9 eeek.

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