Years ago, I accidentally bought a horse (out west, not from the seller mentioned ) that ended up having Wobblers, among other issues. I knew the trainer and trusted her. I did a two week trial, brought my own trainer to see him, used a vet outside the area. Stupidly I did have a few concerns about the horse but my trainer loudly dismissed me, the trainer selling politely said she did not have the same concerns but I was welcome to do anything on a PPE that made me feel comfortable. The vet I used dismissed my concerns. So that was three professionals that I honestly trusted. Not one of them, was acting nefarious, they just didn’t see what I saw.
To be fair in less than a year when I started seeing real neurologic symptoms, The internal specialist at the hospital passed him on a neurological exam and we almost took him home. But they decided to lunge him one more time before I left, he fell there and we got the diagnosis.
I told the trainer selling him, not because I blamed her, But as a professional I wanted her to have that data for future horses. She had some siblings of this horse in training that she was helping sell. She said there was another instance with another horse that made her uncomfortable. So she sent all the siblings back to the owner stating that she wanted full vet workups and all of them if she was going to represent them.
She was very appreciative that I told her. And the way she handled it actually encouraged me to work with her again in the future, for training. And I wouldn’t it hesitate to buy from her again.
But the larger point, is yes I should have been more assertive in my concerns at the PPE. But I felt like I was an over paranoid person in the midst of a bunch of professionals that didn’t see what I saw nor had worries. Lesson learned but I still struggle at times when a professional is dismissing my concerns. I have no medical degree after all.
Editing to add: if I had a dollar for everytime in my 25 plus years in horses that I had to really push for X-rays or diagnostics from various vets including from CSU, I wouldn’t be rich but I would sure be able to buy some nice saddle pads or something!